Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,6

five years together. “We’re guys, we don’t talk about things like that.”

“Why not,” Amanda still didn’t entirely understand men. “Delaney and I have talked about it a couple times.”

“Of course you have, and what did the two of you decide.”

“Delaney would love to go to the prom with Greg,” she paused as she thought about their last conversation. “As friends.”

“Ahhh,” Jack teased her. “There’s the catch. Is that what you’re worried about.”

“Well, yeah,” Amanda smiled, knowing Jack thought she was being silly. “I guess it’s better than nothing, but when are those two going to realize they are in love with each other.”

“Amanda,” Jack scolded her with a smile. “They have plenty of time to figure it out. They’re only eighteen. Maybe it’s best they just remain friends right now and maybe even date other people. I really don’t want you too push too hard on this, okay.”

“Okay, Jack, you might be right,” she responded as the wheels turned more slowly in her head and she rolled over onto her side. “But promise me, you will talk to him about it.”

“Okay, I promise, honey. Are you all done now.”

“Not quite, Jack,” Amanda answered as her body finally gave in to him. “But, you can come get me now.”

Chapter Two

Greg arrived home near eleven o’clock after a long day and a longer weekend. As he unlocked the door and walked into the house, he was surprised to find his mother still awake and sitting at the kitchen table, a bottle of wine perched just in front of her. This isn’t going to go well, Greg thought, why couldn’t she be passed out as usual.

“Hey, Mom,” he tried to gauge her level of drunkenness as he sat down at the table. “What’s going on.”

“What are you doing home so late on a school night,” she slurred her words. “I’m still your mother you know.”

“I was just over at Delaney’s house,” Greg replied curtly as he took in the condition of their living area and stood up to straighten the kitchen.

“So, your little girlfriend is more important than me now. I barely saw you all weekend.”

“She’s not my girlfriend, mom,” Greg really didn’t want to hear it. “And it’s not like you would have seen me anyway even if I had been home.”

“Don’t get fresh with me young man, I’m still your mother,” she repeated herself as she reached for the bottle of wine and knocked it over. “Now look at what you’ve made me do.”

“Goddamn it,” Greg swore quietly as he moved his books off the table.

“Don’t swear at me, Greg.”

“I’m not swearing at you, Mom,” Greg realized she was trying his well worn patience as he picked up the bottle and threw a towel onto the puddle of wine. “Why don’t you go to bed. We can talk in the morning.”

“We can talk now. You can’t avoid me forever, Greg. You never spend any time with me anymore. Don’t you still love me.”

“It’s not that,” he tried to be reassuring. “I just have a lot of school work not to mention a bunch of lawns to mow and events to work at the hotel on top of that. It doesn’t leave me a lot of time.”

“I’m sorry, honey,” she replied, somehow aware she had gone too far. “It’s just that I still miss him sometimes.”

“It’s okay, Mom,” Greg replied cooly, accustomed to her sudden mood changes. “I miss him, too. Let’s get you to bed, okay.”

“Okay, Greg,” she complied as he helped her up from the table and started the walk down the hall. “You know I love you right.”

“I know,” he answered as they reached her room and he deposited her into bed. “I love you too, now try to get some rest.”

Greg knew she was already passed out and wouldn’t remember anything in the morning as he quietly exited her room.

* * *

“What are you doing up,” Amanda asked as Delaney closed the screen door behind her and stepped onto the porch.

“I couldn’t sleep,” Delaney replied as she sat down at the table. “Too much excitement today I guess. Where’s Jack.”

“He had to go back to the hotel for a little while. He’ll be home soon. Is everything okay, honey.”

“Yeah, I’m okay,” Delaney hesitated, unsure she could talk about the thoughts she was having with Amanda quite yet. “I’m just a little worried about Greg.”

“How do you mean,” Amanda appeared perplexed. “He seemed like he was fine today.”

“You know Greg, he is never going to show what he’s really

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