Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,55


“The report also finds that approximately fifty minors were illegally served alcohol at said party and that the alleged assault occurred during an altercation between Gregory Leonard and James Mitchell Caldwell, Jr.,” Mike obliged Jack by stretching out the proceedings.

“Where are you going with this,” Mitch interrupted again as Jack could sense his annoyance. “We have an agreement already. This other stuff is irrelevant.”

“Just a formality, Mitch,” his attorney attempted to calm him. “We have to review all information. Go ahead and proceed Mike.”

Mike pretended to be flustered as he bumbled to find his place and remember what he was saying. He’s pretty good at this, Jack almost smiled as he could tell Mike’s make believe incompetence was annoying Mitch.

“Umm, let me see,” Mike finally continued. “We have an agreement here, to be signed by both parties, that states that neither party will hold the other side criminally or civilly liable in this matter and that all claims, legal or otherwise, will be rendered meaningless and without merit from this day forward.”

“There you go,” Mitch treated Mike like a buffoon as he reached for the file. “Let me see that.”

“One second, Mitch,” Jack finally spoke up as he intercepted the file. “I want to take a look at it.”

Jack purposely took his time as he pretended to read the file and captured Mitch’s reaction out of the corner of his eye. That is priceless, he enjoyed Mitch growing impatience as he furrowed his brow and began tapping his pen on the table. He can’t stand it, not being in control.

“Do you think we can get another copy,” Mitch couldn’t wait any longer as his face started to turn red.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Mitch,” Jack answered as he poured a glass of water and didn’t offer him any. “We only have one copy.”

“What is this,” Mitch showed his annoyance. “We have an agreement, Jack. Let’s get this thing signed and be on our way.”

“Not so fast,” Jack replied before taking a sip of water. “I wanted to tell you about a very interesting conversation I had with Jeff Gross yesterday. It was really eye opening.”

“What are you talking about. We had an agreement.”

“Now you’ve got it right, Mitch. We had an agreement,” Jack stressed the had as he stood up and circled his prey. “But fortunately, my conversation with Jeff enlightened me. It kind of brought me to my senses, if you know what I mean.”

“I have no idea what you mean,” Mitch stood up and tried to intimidate Jack.

“Have a seat, Mitch,” Steve was a calm voice of reason. “You may want to hear what he has to say.”

“I have no interest in what he has to say. We had a deal and he broke it,” Mitch raised his voice like a child who was about to take his ball and go home. “I’ll see you in court.”

“Mitch, sit down,” Steve repeated himself more firmly.

Jack was surprised with how quickly Mitch complied with his attorney’s order. I’ve got him now, he thought to himself as he decided to go for the whole ball of wax. “Are you done, Mitch,” Jack antagonized him further.

“Fuck you, Jack,” Mitch replied with daggers in his eyes.

“I have three depositions here,” Jack ignored Mitch and continued. “The first one is from Delaney Boyd. I’m not going to go into detail, but in it, she asserts that Mitch Caldwell, Jr. sexually assaulted her during the early morning hours of June 1st at the residence of James Mitchell Caldwell, Sr. Photographs backing up her claim are included.”

Jack paused as he walked behind his opponents and dropped off a file before walking back around the table and taking a sip of water. “The second deposition is from Gregory Leonard. Mr. Leonard was the first one on the scene and he backs up Ms. Boyd’s story and also relates a pithy little comment made by your son with regard to his assault of Ms. Boyd. Quite a charmer, your son, and fortunately his quote was memorable enough to be recalled by Mr. Gross, which brings us to the third deposition.”

“Alright, we get it,” Mitch’s attorney interrupted the proceedings. “What do you want.”

It’s not going to be that easy, Jack thought to himself as he felt sorry for Steve, just an attorney doing his job. No, they are going to hear everything.

“I’m not quite done,” he again paused as he dropped off the second file and continued his story. “Mr. Gross is quite the conversationalist, and apparently, your son shares

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