Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,52

like that. I think it’s nice that he saved himself for you.”

“I think it’s sweet,” Delaney agreed as she remembered his nervousness. “But I also think he nearly had a heart attack when Jack came home yesterday.”

“That’s funny,” Amanda smiled as she considered what to say. “We’ve decided we’re going to make it less uncomfortable for you guys. Jack and I talked last night, and we don’t want the two of you having to sneak around. So, we are going to go out of town after graduation.”

“Really,” Delaney replied, still surprised at Jack and Amanda’s progressiveness even after all these years. “What about Logan.”

“Logan is sleeping over at Michael’s. The two of you will have the house to yourselves.”

“Well thanks, Amanda,” she paused and then smiled. “That might make it a little easier for Greg, especially after yesterday,”

“I hope it does. Are you nervous.”

“Just a little, but I think everything worked out for the best,” Delaney wasn’t quite sure what she meant. “It’s almost like all of these near misses served as dress rehearsals.”

“That makes sense,” Amanda replied wistfully. “I wish I had taken the opportunity to practice, but I just jumped in. I always regretted not taking it more slowly and that my first time wasn’t with someone I loved. You are very lucky, Delaney.”

“And I have you to thank for that,” Delaney suddenly became emotional as she thought about Amanda’s troubled teenage years and about their own wonderful relationship over the last half decade. “I was lucky to have you just as I was lucky to have my mother for as long as I did.”

“Yes, you were lucky to have her,” Amanda replied as she started to cry. “Come here, honey.”

They hugged as Delaney cried on her shoulder, grateful for her advice and guidance, thankful that Amanda had been there for her.

Always her best friend, forever her surrogate mother.

* * *

“Are you sure about this, Jack,” Mike questioned him as they finished up with lunch.

“As sure as I can be,” he replied before taking the final bite of his sandwich. “We really don’t have any other alternative.”

“I guess not,” Mike conceded the point. “So, what’s your strategy.”

“It’s definitely not set in stone, it’s kind of fluid,” Jack said as he realized he was going to have to trust his reads. “We just have to count on Mitch’s overinflated ego and arrogance clouding his judgment. It’s really just going to be a well run bluff.”

“And you think he’s going to bite.”

“I hope so. I’m not sure he has any other choice. I guess it comes down to how far I want to take it. I don’t want to push too hard, but I am determined to make this right.”

“Jack, you missed your calling,” Mike admired his gift for strategy. “You should have been an attorney.”

“But then I wouldn’t need you,” Jack replied as he teased his friend.

“I don’t think you need me anyway,” Mike scoffed as he stood up to leave. “I’ve got to get going. Thanks for lunch. I’ll see you at four o’clock.”

“I’ll see you then,” Jack appreciated Mike being there for him as he stood up and shook his hand. “And thanks for all of your help.”

* * *

“This is nice,” Amanda seemed to relax as they settled down for lunch on the porch. “It’s a gorgeous day.”

I sure do wish Jack was here, Greg thought to himself as he wondered where this conversation was headed and he looked across the table at Amanda and Delaney cornering him. “It is nice, a little cooler than usual,” he made small talk as he took a sip of iced tea.

“So, where’s Jack today,” Delaney asked before taking a bite of salad.

“He’s meeting with the attorneys again,” Amanda replied and then changed the subject. “I wanted to talk to you guys about something.”

Please not that, Greg prepared for the inevitable. I can’t believe Jack told her about yesterday. This is my worst nightmare.

“Jack and I had a chance to talk last night,” Amanda confirmed Greg’s worst case scenario as he tried not to cringe. “And we both agreed that the two of you are adults now and should be treated as such.”

I can’t believe we are going talk about this, Greg could no longer hide his embarrassment as he tried to apologize. “Look, Amanda, I am so sorry about yesterday. I promise it won’t happen again.”

“It’s not that,” Amanda replied as both she and Delaney seemed to enjoy his public humiliation. “We all know it’s going to happen again,

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