Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,48

his eyes and awaited his death sentence.

“No, I just had a couple meetings,” Jack paused as he granted Greg clemency although it was obvious he knew what was going on. “You guys going to have some lunch.”

“Yeah,” Delaney replied, surprisingly calm for the situation. “I was going to warm up some pizza. Do you want a slice.”

“Sounds good,” Jack said as he sat down.

“What were you meetings about,” Greg kicked himself for asking such a stupid question.

“Nothing really,” Jack replied vaguely as he watched Delaney microwave the pizza. “Just lawyer stuff. I do need you guys to do me a favor and remain quiet about this weekend. You got it.”

“We know, Jack,” Delaney answered for both of them as she served the pizza and sat down at the table. “How’s everything coming along.”

“We’re making progress,” he quickly changed the subject. “Did Amanda say when she was going to be home.”

“Probably around three o’clock,” Delaney replied before taking a bite of pizza.

“Good, we’ll have a little time before my four thirty meeting,” Jack responded as Greg realized his private time with Delaney was over for the day.

* * *

“I think I caught them,” Jack seemed pleased with himself as they sat on the back porch and talked.

“What do you mean,” Amanda replied as he smiled mischievously and she understood what he was saying. “Jack, you didn’t.”

“Oh, I did,” he replied as Amanda enjoyed him being able to relax for the first time in three days. “I thought Greg was going to jump out of his skin.”

“You’re awful. Those poor kids must have been terrified.”

“They’ll get over it, don’t worry, I didn’t say anything,” he teased her. “Don’t think I had to, Its going to be a while before Greg goes anywhere near her after today.”

“Don’t count on it,” Amanda understood the way things worked. “What’s your meeting about this afternoon.”

“Just some legal stuff,” he again disappointed her by not sharing. “How did it go with Logan today.”

“It went really well, Logan seemed to like the teacher and the school is beautiful,” Amanda paused as she tried to steer the conversation back to where she wanted it to go. “Greg and Delaney are going to take him miniature golfing and maybe get something to eat this evening. I thought it would be good for them to get out for a couple hours”

“That’s a good idea,” Jack didn’t seem to take her hint. “Do you want me to bring something home for dinner.”

“Just yourself,” Amanda replied as she again tried to get him to change his focus. “You’re really all I need.”

* * *

“Brian Stinson,” the short, thin man in the navy suit introduced himself. “I am the attorney for Jeffrey Gross and for his father, Martin Gross.”

“Michael Leach,” Jack watched as Mike introduced himself and completed the formalities. “I am the attorney for Jack Anderson as well as for Gregory Leonard, who is not present at this meeting.”

“I want to make one thing clear,” Mr. Stinson spoke first as they all sat down at the conference table. “We are here as a courtesy. No charges have been filed against my clients and this meeting is being held off the record.”

“Agreed,” Mike replied as they got down to business.

Let’s get to the good stuff, Jack attempted to remain calm as he looked across the table and temporarily buried his anger. This kid is so smug, Jack watched as Jeff practically sneered at him. He’s lucky it’s not him I’m really after, he thought to himself as Mike made the first move.

“Can we both agree that your client, Jeffrey Gross, was present on Friday, May 31st and in the early hours of Saturday, June 1st at Fifteen Lone Palm Terrace in the home of James Mitchell Caldwell, Sr.”

“So stipulated,” Mr. Stinson replied with legal jargon out of habit even though it wasn’t required.

“And can we also agree that said residence was the sight of a party hosted by James Mitchell Caldwell, Jr. and that alcoholic beverages were served to minors including your client.”

“So stipulated,” Mr. Stinson replied, not bothering with the small stuff.

“And is it agreed that your client engaged in a physical altercation with Gregory Leonard.”

“Not stipulated,” Jeff’s attorney attempted to minimize the damage. “It is our contention that my client acted on behalf of a wounded party who was rendered defenseless.”

A six foot three inch, two hundred and twenty pound defenseless wounded party, Jack thought about the ridiculousness of their claim as he pictured Greg beating the hell out of Mitch. That

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