Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,42

sleep either,” he didn’t go into details. “You want a drink.”

“The doctor said I’m not supposed to because of my medication, but I don’t think one will hurt.”

“It should be okay,” Jack approved as he got up and walked behind the bar. “What will it be.”

“Just a beer I guess,” Greg paused as Jack returned with his drink and sat back down. “Jack, can I ask you something.”

“Sure, Greg.”

“You think anything is going to happen with Mitch.”

I doubt it, Jack thought to himself as he considered how to respond and why Greg was asking the question. “We’re trying Greg, why do you ask.”

“I don’t know,” he responded as he tried to figure it out. “Maybe it would be better if we just dropped it.”

This doesn’t seem like the Greg I know. I wonder what’s going on with him, Jack tried to figure out his motivation as he attempted to put himself in Greg’s shoes.

“Are you worried about earlier,” Jack questioned him as he watched for a reaction. “I know that was difficult for you and Delaney, but it had to be done. What Mitch did to the two of you was wrong, and he needs to be held accountable.”

“I get it, Jack,” Greg seemed almost short in his response. “It’s just that Delaney is doing better and I don’t want her to have to go over it again and again. You know what I mean.”

“I do,” Jack understood Greg’s point of view as he remembered Delaney’s interview with Mike earlier in the evening. “But, I can’t just let Mitch walk away, that wouldn’t be right.”

“I think he learned his lesson,” Greg took pride in his defense of Delaney. “He’ll think twice before doing anything like that again.”

“Maybe he will,” Jack wasn’t sure he should tell Greg about what happened when they picked up his truck. “But guys like Mitch and Mitch’s father for that matter never seem to learn.”

Jack sensed something was wrong as he watched Greg suddenly close down. What did I say? I’m not going to make the same mistake I made before, he decided not to let it go as he pursued a new line of questioning. “Greg, is there something you’re not telling me.”

“No, it’s okay,” he replied as Jack could tell he was hiding something.

“Look, Greg, I know it’s not easy and I know it’s a bit uncomfortable, but I need to know everything. I’m not going to screw this up again.”

“What do you mean.”

“This entire mess is really my fault. I’ve known Mr. Caldwell for a long time and I know the kind of man he is. I should have never let Delaney go anywhere near that son of his. If I had done my job, none of this would have happened.”

“That’s not true, Jack,” Greg explained his faulty logic. “You can’t keep Delaney locked up her entire life and you didn’t know what Mitch was capable of, what was going to happen,” Greg’s voice suddenly trailed off.

There is something he’s not telling me, Greg’s hesitation confirmed Jack’s suspicions as he tried to figure out what it was. “Greg, is there something you want to tell me.”

Jack realized he had lost him, and he watched as Greg took a sip of beer and seemed to drift away into his thoughts. This poor kid, Jack again felt guilty as he realized all he had been through. I should have done more for him.

“It’s a long story,” Greg suddenly returned to the present but still seemed hesitant to share.

“You can tell me,” Jack reassured him as he put his hand on his arm.

Greg looked intently at Jack as if to measure an opponent, still not quite able to open up. “I don’t think I ever really told you, but Mitch and I were best friends growing up. My dad handled the legal matters for Caldwell Development, and we played football together and our families were very close. I thought we would be friends forever.”

“What happened.”

“Everything just changed when my father died,” Greg brought up a subject he had never before discussed with Jack. “Everyone just disappeared, and my Mom and I were left alone to figure things out. She basically fell apart and I had no idea what to do.”

“That must have been tough,” Jack felt badly as he wondered where this was leading and he could sense Greg becoming emotional.

“It was, especially for her. Anyway, I had to take care of her, so I stopped playing football and pretty much any other activity. Mitch didn’t

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