Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,36

Delaney are going to be okay, it’s really Jack that I’m worried about.

They have each other now, Amanda found hope as she remembered Delaney and Greg holding hands earlier that afternoon. At least something good came out of all of this. They finally understand how they feel about one another.

Oh my God, Amanda suddenly became emotional as she entered Greg’s room and found them lying together in darkness, lit up only by a dim night light and their love for one another. That is so beautiful, Amanda became emotional as she quietly sat down in the chair, careful not to disturb them. They are going to be fine, she confirmed her suspicions as she let out the emotions of the last twenty four hours.

“Amanda, are you okay,” she was surprised to hear Greg’s voice.

“I’m fine, Greg,” Amanda whispered a lie. “How are you feeling.”

“Better,” he whispered, careful not to wake Delaney. “Thanks for taking care of my mom today.”

“You are welcome,” she tried to open up a conversation. “I think she will get the help she needs now.”

“That’s good,” he replied as Amanda realized he wasn’t going to talk about it.

“Greg, you know you can talk to me. I grew up in a very similar situation and I understand what you are going through.”

“I know, Amanda. Delaney told me about your mother,” he tried to deflect the attention. “That must have been tough.”

“It was,” she didn’t fall for his trick. “But not any more difficult than what you are going through. Why didn’t you ever tell us.”

“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “I didn’t want to burden you with my problems. I always thought she would get better, and sometimes she did.”

That made sense to Amanda as she remembered her mother’s occasional bouts with sobriety and her earlier conversation with Susan. “I’ve got to tell you something, Greg.”

“What is it,” he seemed concerned.

“I think it’s important that you understand why your mother is the way she is,” Amanda paused as she tried to find the proper words for what she was trying to say.

“What do you mean.”

“I think there is more behind her addiction than just your father’s death, although obviously that was the catalyst,” Amanda caught herself speaking as a psychologist. “His death was a harsh reminder of the abandonment Susan experienced earlier in her life when her own father walked out when she was just a child. Not having anyone to turn to just exacerbated the situation.”

“You’re losing me, Amanda.”

“Greg, you filled a void in her life, you were the only one who was there for her when everything fell apart, the only man who didn’t abandon her. She loves you very much, and when she realized you were going to be going off to college in less than a year, she didn’t know how to react to being abandoned again, she didn’t how she was going to fill that void. So, she decided to fill the void by drinking, and that’s why her problem worsened over the last year.”

“But I’m not abandoning her,” Greg questioned her motive.

“I know you aren’t, Greg,” Amanda reassured him. “But, an addict’s mind doesn’t operate like your’s and mine. They are oftentimes no longer logical, and that’s why your mother needs to go to rehab. It’s not just about the drinking, it’s about dealing with the past and addressing problems head on. Do you understand.”

“I think I do,” he replied. “So, what should I do when she gets home.”

“Just be there for her like you have always been. Last night was a wake up call when she thought she might lose you, and it made her realize what she has missed for the last seven years. I think you are going to see a very different woman in a few weeks, a woman who will have the tools to deal with her issues.”

“I hope so,” he whispered as Delaney started to stir.

“What are you guys talking about,” Delaney yawned as she opened her eyes.

“Just about Greg’s mother,” Amanda was purposely vague. “Are you about ready.”

“I’m going to stay here with Greg,” she replied.

“I would love to let you stay, Delaney, but visiting hours end soon and Greg needs his rest.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Delaney stubbornly refused to go.

“Its okay, Delaney,” Greg interjected as he kissed her forehead. “I’ll be home tomorrow and we’ll have plenty of time this week.”

“Are you sure,” Delaney looked at him for confirmation.

“I’m positive,” he replied. “I’ll see you first thing in the morning.”

“Okay,” she complied before kissing

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