Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,34

as she felt the friction between them. Her emotions out of control, Delaney sensed both of them about to explode as she lifted up her dress and reached down to guide him. “Greg, make love to me,” Delaney whispered what she needed as she touched him for the first time.

Greg tried to catch his breath as he grabbed onto her hand. “Delaney, you are driving me crazy,” he panted as he kissed her neck. “But, we can’t yet, not here, not now. Do you understand.”

Delaney snapped out of it and suddenly realized where they were. “You’re right,” she whispered as she settled for kissing and knowing he was feeling better as she covered back up. “We should wait.”

“I’m such an idiot,” he second guessed his decision and kissed her one more time. “I’ve been waiting my entire life for this, and now I decide to wait some more.”

“Don’t worry, Greg,” Delaney teased him as she laid her head back onto his chest and closed her eyes. “I won’t make you wait for long.”

* * *

“Please be careful,” Jack heard the words of his concerned wife over the phone. “When will you be home.”

“I should be home in about an hour,” he replied as he looked at the clock on the dashboard and wondered how the last twenty four hours had gone so quickly. “Are you going to check on Greg and pick up Delaney.”

“I’m almost there,” Amanda again sounded worried. “Jack, please come home as soon as possible. You need rest.”

“Don’t worry, Amanda,” he reassured her. “I’ll meet you at home. I’ve got to go. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she responded as Jack put down his phone and again focused on the matter at hand.

“Thanks for coming with me, Mike,” Jack thanked his friend as he steered into the Turning Palms development. “We’ll keep it brief, okay. Just tell him what we talked about and pick up the truck.”

“That’s probably the best idea,” Mike seemed to appreciate Jack taking his advice. “We don’t want to escalate this any further.”

“I’ve got it,” Jack reassured him as they arrived at the Caldwell house and he pulled up behind Greg’s truck.

“Just let me do the talking,” Mike reminded him as they got out of the car and made their way up the steps.

“Don’t worry, Mike,” Jack replied as they arrived at the door and he flashed back to the night before. “I’m okay.”

Jack rang the doorbell as he felt himself getting angry and tried to calm down. I can’t stand this guy, Jack remembered the arrogance of Mitch Caldwell Sr. as he heard footsteps behind the door and prepared to see his nemesis. This fat, bloated middle aged prick with his new bimbo wife. This pompous jerk who made it a point to treat Jack like the hired help whenever he visited the hotel, usually with one of his whores or mistresses.

“Jack, I’ve been expecting you,” Mitch Sr. answered the door like a southern plantation owner welcoming guests for a party. “Would you like to come in.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Mike was all business as he identified himself. “My name is Mike Leach, and I am the attorney for Jack Anderson.”

“Nice to meet you,” Mitch interrupted as he opened the door further and tipped his hand. “I think you might know my attorney, Steven Fowler.”

“Good to see you, Steve, I’m glad you’re here,” Mike wasn’t caught by surprise as he shook his hand. “Please inform your client that his son, James Mitchell Caldwell, is hereby requested to surrender to authorities by midnight or a warrant will be issued for his arrest.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Mitch decided he didn’t need the services of his attorney. “I’ve decided not to file charges against Greg. Just a case of boys being boys, although that young man, Jeff Gross, may have been a touch enthusiastic in his defense of my son,” Mitch offered up a sacrifice.

“Are you kidding me,” Jack angrily interjected as Mike stepped between him and Mitch. “Your son is being charged with sexual assault.”

“Sexual assault,” Mitch drawled the words and purposely goaded Jack. “I think you are mistaken. That was just a consensual sexual encounter Mitch had with a young lady who was embarrassed by her indiscretion. You know, it being the prom and all.”

“Fuck you,” Jack lost it as Mike tried to hold him back. “I’m going to kill you and that bastard son of yours.”

“Jack, such harsh words,” Mitch antagonized him further as his own posse suddenly appeared out of

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