Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,32

responded as he realized he might not be in his bedroom.

“You’re in the hospital. You have a concussion, but the doctors say you are going to be alright.”

“Where is Delaney,” he asked as he suddenly panicked and remembered the night before. “What happened.”

“Delaney is fine, she’s just outside in the hallway,” Jack reassured him as Greg realized he had sat up in the bed and was about to throw up. “Try not to move Greg, why don’t you lay back down.”

“Okay, Jack,” he complied to his instructions as he thought about Delaney. “Will you get her for me.”

“Just give me a second,” Jack’s voice faded as Greg felt his eyes close and he again found darkness.


“I have to warn you,” Jack prepared Delaney as he exited Greg’s room and closed the door behind him. “He’s kind of out of it. I don’t think it’s just the concussion, but probably the medication as well.”

“It’s okay, Jack,” Delaney responded as she looked him in the eyes. “I’m ready to see him.”

“Okay,” he finally agreed as he took her into his arms one more time before letting go. “I’ll be right out here if you need me.”

Delaney quietly stepped into his room and prepared for the worst. Unfortunately, all of her preparation wasn’t enough when she finally saw him, his eyes blackened, his face swollen, his beautiful black hair gone and replaced by a stitch-filled gash. As she put her hand on his, Delaney started to cry.

“Greg,” she whispered and prayed he would wake up as he refused to respond to her touch. “Greg,” Delaney tried again as her mind began to spin and she remembered the night before.

How did this happen to us?

Delaney tried to find the answer to her question as she kissed Greg softly on the forehead. If only I had listened to my heart, if only I had told him how I felt, none of this would have happened. We were just too late, Delaney realized their mistake as she felt a tear roll down her face and she remembered Greg’s words from the night before.

We are in love, Delaney understood what she had always known as she softly touched his damaged face. We are woven from the same cloth, cut by the same knife, and now victimized by the same crime. Greg and I are meant to be together, Delaney finally acknowledged their connection by tragedy as she leaned over and kissed him again.

We are broken and battered, yet bound by love. Just trying our best to survive, just trying to heal our damaged souls.

Chapter Twelve

“I shouldn’t even allow you to go over there,” Jack’s attorney tried to talk sense into him. “But, if you are going, there is no way I’m not going with you.”

“Thanks, Mike,” Jack appreciated his friend’s advice and loyalty. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything crazy.”

“I’m not sure it’s you I’m worried about,” Mike responded and took a bite of potato salad. “But seriously, Jack. Let me do the talking.”

“You’ve got it,” Jack replied and ignored his cafeteria lunch in favor of a coke. “So, what are you going to say.”

“I’m going to tell Mr. Caldwell to have his son voluntarily surrender to authorities by midnight,” Mike outlined his strategy. “It’s just a courtesy, and if they don’t comply, we’ll file a formal request to have him arrested.”

“Whatever you think is the right way to handle it, Mike. But, I’d just assume we bring the police with us and have him arrested on the spot.”

“It’s not going to be that easy,” Mike paused and looked at Jack to be sure he understood. “Mr. Caldwell, as you know, is very well connected.”

“I don’t care who he knows,” Jack lost patience for a second. “His son tried to rape Delaney and put Greg in the hospital, and he is going to pay for it.”

“Take it easy, Jack. I’m on your side,” Mike reminded him. “How are they doing.”

“How do you think. Greg can barely open his eyes and Delaney is still in shock. It’s going to take a lot of time for them to get better.”

“They are going to be okay,” Mike reassured him. “It could have been a lot worse, but they are tough kids. They will bounce back quickly.”

“I hope so,” Jack calmed down a little.

“Jack, when was the last time you slept.”

“It’s been a while,” he replied vaguely, not wanting to get off track. “Don’t worry, I’ll sleep fine once I know Mitch is spending the night in jail.”

“I’ll do

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