Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,2

smile as he confirmed he had done the right thing by introducing her to Amanda. “Just some girl talk.”

“You can’t keep secrets from me young lady,” Jack teased her. “Amanda will fill me in on everything later on.”

“No she won’t. We promised to keep our conversation a secret.”

“Hmmm,” Jack pretended to be perplexed as he pulled into Delaney’s driveway. “We shall see about that. Im really glad you came out today, Delaney. It was great to see you.”

“It was great to see you too, Jack,” Delaney replied as she smiled and gave him a hug. “I really like Amanda. She is so nice.”

“Thanks,” Jack thought about how to include Delaney in their future. “She really liked you as well, and being new in town and not knowing her way around, I was hoping you would go shopping with her next weekend and maybe show her around a little bit. What do you think.”

“That sounds great,” she responded as he could tell Delaney was pleased with the invitation. “Just tell Amanda to call me and we will set it up.”

“Will do,” he replied as he opened his car door.

“Jack, you don’t have to walk me to the door,” Delaney rolled her eyes at him. “I’m not little anymore.”

“You’re right, honey, you are not a little girl anymore,” he acknowledged her independence. “But, at the same time, I am still a gentleman and I am always going to walk you to the door, like it or not.”

“Okay, Jack,” she laughed. “Take it easy. You can walk me to the door.”

Just like her mother, Jack thought to himself and smiled for just a second as he got of out of the car.

Then, he was hit with a sudden pang of guilt as he realized he was standing in front of Brittany’s house for the first time since her death.

* * *

Amanda tried to catch her breath as she laid in Jack’s arms and caught him smiling out of the corner of her eye.

“What are you smiling at,” she laughed and tried to embarrass him.

“Nothing at all, Amanda,” he replied as she realized he was just as out of breath as she was. “I was just trying to figure out what the heck that was we just did.”

“I have no idea,” Amanda wondered as well as she rolled her body back on top of his and looked directly into his eyes. “But whatever it was, it was great.”

“Yes it was,” he agreed as his hands found their way to his favorite spot. “So, are you ever going to tell me what you and Delaney talked about in the ladies room.”

“Of course I’m not going to tell you,” she teased him, knowing it was driving him crazy not to know. “What happens in the ladies room stays in the ladies room.”

“Very funny,” he smirked and pretended to give up. “I really don’t want to know anyway.”

“Awww, poor Jack,” she enjoyed him not getting his way for once. “He can’t know what’s going on in every square inch of his hotel. What is he going to do.”

“May be time for video cameras and microphones,” he joked as he rolled Amanda over and switched positions with her. “Now, tell me what you talked about or I’m going to do that thing to you again.”

“Go ahead, I’m ready,” Amanda laughed as she decided to share some of their conversation. “Seriously, Jack, I’m not going to tell you everything we talked about, but I will tell you I like her very much. We have a lot in common, and she’s at a very difficult time in her life, especially for a girl. We talked about her mother some more and a little bit about her father and the woman he is dating. I think it probably helps that I am not quite old enough to be her mother and we can communicate as friends if you know what I mean.”

“That makes sense,” Jack seemed pleased with their communication as he slowly rotated his hips and kissed her neck. “The two of you will have a lot more time to talk when you go shopping next Saturday.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Amanda closed her eyes as she felt Jack move inside of her. “Jack, can I tell you something.”

“Right now,” he questioned her as she opened her eyes and saw him smiling.

“Yes, right now, you can wait a second,” she enjoyed making him wait. “Jack, I think I’m pregnant.”

He immediately stopped. “What did you say, Amanda.”

“You heard it right,” she

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