Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,19

something you want,” she questioned him and watched carefully for his response.

“I have been thinking about it recently, but not in any definitive way,” he tried to explain his illogical line of reasoning. “Things are changing, and I know you want to start working and I know we agreed to a plan, but it’s still something I think about sometimes.”

“And I love that you think about it,” Amanda understood where he was coming from. “And Jack, don’t think I am entirely opposed to the idea, but to be honest, I haven’t thought about it too much. I always thought you wanted to stop with Logan.”

“Don’t get me wrong,” he hesitated. “I would be happy if we were blessed with just Logan, and I don’t underestimate the burden of bearing a child. I certainly don’t have to go through the hard part. But, if you decide it’s something you might want, maybe we can consider it.”

“Okay, Jack,” she replied as her body responded to their conversation and she decided it was her turn to make him happy. “But let’s be quiet now, I want to concentrate on what I am going to do to you.”

Chapter Seven

Delaney looked over at Logan as he munched his popcorn and enjoyed the movie, oblivious to all of the problems in the world. It must be nice to be so innocent, she decided as she spied the empty seat next to Logan. I can’t believe how much I miss him.

She still saw him. At school, at work, and even back at the house when he mowed the lawn. But, it just wasn’t the same. It was almost like he had put up a protective shield since that awful night a couple weeks earlier.

They talked, but not about anything. It’s just awkward, Delaney thought to herself as she tried to understand what Greg was feeling as she remembered their aborted conversations of the last couple weeks. Can it be that hard to talk to me, she wondered. Maybe we just aren’t meant to be together.

Maybe I should tell him how I feel, Delaney considered the alternatives. But that would be difficult, especially since I’m not even sure what it is I am feeling. I thought I did before that night, but now everything is so complicated, especially after what happened with Mitch.

I wonder why Greg doesn’t like him, Delaney remembered her date with Mitch on Friday night. He was a total gentleman, she had noticed the way he held the door for her and how he laughed at her silly stories. I think Jack and Amanda also like him, Delaney smiled as she remembered Jack giving him the not so subtle once over.

And he’s a good kisser. She had not planned to kiss him during that first date, but Delaney had surprised herself by returning his kiss after he walked her to the door. Yes, she definitely had felt something during that moment on the porch, and she was still a little mad a Jack for embarrassing her by flashing the porch light.

Maybe Greg and I are just meant to be friends, she tried to explain away her feelings for him. Yes, I love him and I know he loves me, but we might be confusing our friendship and feelings for one another with something that really isn’t there. I wish this was easier, Delaney decided as she tried to go back to watching the movie.

I wish Greg would just tell me how he feels.

* * *

Greg felt nothing but exhaustion as he let the hot water soothe his tired body. Nothing is going right these days, he thought about how much it was going to cost to fix his old beat up truck. Maybe I can get it started again and it can make it through another week..

I’m not sure I’m going to make it though, he doubted himself as he lathered up. No, he didn’t mind the work, that wasn’t the problem. He could work all day and night if he needed to. No, the problem was Delaney and his inability to control his thoughts for her.

Why did I even go there, he remembered that night as he rinsed the soap from his body. I shouldn’t have forced the issue and everything would still be fine between us. I am so stupid, he condemned himself as he washed his hair.

“Mitch Caldwell,” Greg sneered the name of his conqueror. Why does it have to be him, he figured it was just another one of their long

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