Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,16

not too worried, he called his Mom to find out what was going on.

“Greg, is that you, honey,” his mother answered and Greg knew immediately something was wrong.

“Mom, what’s wrong.”

“Your father has been taken to the hospital. I’m on my way there now. I will call you when I find out anything more.”

“Mom, what happened,” Greg immediately had panicked.

“I don’t know yet honey, but I promise to call you as soon as I find out. Greg, I have to go, but I’ll talk to you soon. I love you okay, and try not to worry, he’s going to be fine.”

“Okay, Mom,” Greg remembered the feeling of shock. “I love you too.”

Greg took a sip of beer as he returned to the present and cooly remembered his father’s premature death. The funeral, his mother’s breakdown, their abandonment by their so called friends once the body was buried. The feeling of emotional detachment he had never shaken.

He had never been allowed to react or show weakness, his mother took care of that for both of them. No, Jack immediately became the man of the house, forgetting about trivial pursuits like football and golf and instead focusing on making sure his mother survived. Fortunately, the life insurance paid off their mortgage and living expenses, at least for a couple years, because his mom was in no shape to help.

No, his mom absolutely fell apart. Greg remembered the many dark days and darker nights of his mother alternating drinking with crying, no real friends to help her through the tragedy. Where had they all disappeared to, Greg wondered, once the status and money were gone.

So, it was left to him, and he did the best he could, hoping to find help as he didn’t really know what to do. But, he made his way through it, and on a cloudy December day as Christmas approached, Greg thought he finally found the help he had been seeking.

Greg left school early that day, having written a fake note from his mother excusing him from the last two periods. As he arrived home, he saw a Mercedes in the driveway and was hopeful that help had finally arrived. He recognized that car, it belonged to Mitch’s father.

He called out to his mom as he opened the door and was surprised not to see her. He checked the screen room, still no Mom. Maybe they went out, Greg remembered being pleased with the thought that his mother had finally left the house.

Then, he heard noises coming from the bedroom, Greg immediately returned to the present and cringed as he took a gulp of beer and remembered that moment like it was yesterday. No, he didn’t want to believe what he was seeing as he again opened that door.

His mother even drunker than usual, naked in bed with Mr. Caldwell.

* * *

Maybe it was unfair, but that day forever changed the way he looked at Mitch, although in reality, their relationship had already changed.

Mitch didn’t understand Greg not playing football, not bouncing back like a warrior, not being the teammate he always had been. And like all the other kids, he didn’t know how to deal with Greg’s father’s death. So, Mitch had essentially just ignored him, not knowing what to say.

And, that probably would have been fine with Greg. He had basically withdrawn anyway, and he didn’t need Mitch or anyone else for that matter. Anyone else except Delaney.

Yes, he needed her, Greg realized as he stood up and retrieved another beer. She had been the only one who had been there for him, the only one who cared. And now, he had treated her so badly he wouldn’t blame her if she never talked to him again. That can’t happen, Greg realized as he pulled out his phone and thought about what to say.

Maybe Mitch isn’t so bad, Greg forgave his arrogance and his seeming to remember all of his press clippings from the last several years. Naturally, I’m biased against him after all I have seen. Maybe the sins of the father don’t carry forward to the son, Greg gave Mitch the benefit of doubt as he typed out a text.

Delaney, sorry about what I said earlier and for not answering my phone. I hope u forgive me and I want u to have a nice time at the prom. Talk to u soon.

Chapter Six

“Can I get you something to drink,” Jack interrupted her thoughts as he opened the screen door and stepped outside.

“No, I’m okay,”

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