Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,14

Delaney,” Amanda considered what to say. “I think Greg really wanted to take you to the prom and I think he was going to ask you tonight.”

Everything immediately fell into place for Delaney. “That’s why he was so upset.”

“I think so. I should have never gotten involved. You and I had talked about the prom, and I made Jack talk to Greg about asking you. I thought it would make the two of you happy, even if it was just as friends, and maybe he got his hopes up. This is all my fault, I should have never interfered.”

“That’s okay,” Delaney felt better now that she understood why Greg had acted as he did. “It’s not your fault, you were just trying to look out for me.”

“I have to stop doing that,” Amanda wouldn’t let herself off the hook that easily. “You’re eighteen now, I have to let you figure some things out on your own. But, I do know one thing. I know Greg cares about you very much. Please don’t let this ruin what the two of you have. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if it did.”

“Don’t worry Amanda, I won’t,” she replied and considered what to say next. “Can I ask you something.”

“Of course you can.”

“Do you think Greg likes me,” Delaney looked at Amanda closely to confirm she understood what she was asking. “I mean do you think he really likes me.”

“I know he does, Delaney. He always has.”

“I like him too,” Delaney finally admitted her feelings for him. “But, it’s hard with Greg. He has so much on his mind, and he can be hard to talk to sometimes. I wish it was easy like it is with you and Jack.”

“It wasn’t always that easy you know. When I first met Jack, he was still trying to get over your mother and it was difficult. It took a lot of time before he even noticed me and even more time to break through the depression he was suffering through. There were many times I thought it was over and I would never see him again.”

“You never told me that,” Delaney had always just assumed it had been love at first sight. “That must have been hard. What did you do.”

“I just never gave up. I somehow knew he was what I wanted and that I needed to spend the rest of my life with him.”

“How did you know, Amanda,” Delaney tried to understand what she was saying.

“You just know, it’s hard to describe,” Amanda attempted to find the proper words. “I just couldn’t stop thinking about him and couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.”

“I feel that way about Greg sometimes,” Delaney wasn’t sure how much she could share. “Sometimes at night, I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“And that is natural,” Amanda reassured her. “I felt that way several times, even before Jack. Don’t worry, honey, it is normal, and you will know when it’s time.”

I hope so, Delaney wondered if she would know as she thought about him. “I better call Greg,” she shared her thoughts with Amanda. “What am I going to do about the prom.”

“What do you think you should do,” Amanda wasn’t about to interfere again.

“I think I should go with Mitch,” Delaney realized she was stuck. “It wouldn’t be polite not to go after telling him I would. I wouldn’t want someone doing that to me.”

“That’s the right decision Delaney, although I know you wish it wasn’t,” Amanda looked at her as if to apologize again. “But, don’t worry, it’s only one night, and I think you and Greg will have plenty of time to make up for it.”

“I think we will too,” Delaney was reassured as she thought about the future with Greg.

Chapter Five

Greg saw Delaney’s name flash up on the screen and let her call go to voice mail for the second time. I can’t talk to her yet, he tried to gather his thoughts as he stared at the ceiling of his bedroom. I acted like such a jerk. I won’t let that happen again.

“Mitch Caldwell,” he muttered his name out loud and again felt the shot to his heart. “Why would she go out with him,” he questioned the room and remembered his long history with Mitch, one he had never shared with Delaney.

They met even before they started school. Their fathers had business together, and as is usually the case, business spilled over into their personal lives as their wives became friends and their

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