Damaged (Boys of Winter #2) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,57

guy roars in pain and instead of throwing me down to put an end to his agony, my body is launched toward the pool.

I crash down into the water, my shoulder slamming against the edge and sending pain shooting through my arm. The force of his throw has me quickly falling deeper into the water and within seconds, my head slams against the bottom of the pool, hard enough for me to see stars.

I push off the ground, desperate to get to the surface and suck in a breath of air yet he comes down on top of me, the blood on his arms clouding the water. The guy grabs my elbow and pulls me in closer before curling his hand around my throat and forcing me under.

I flail about, my arms and legs kicking out as I stare up through the water and he looks down at me, blood dripping down the side of his face. My lungs instantly begin to scream, and I fight harder despite knowing that the more I fight, the more energy I’m using to actually survive this.

But no one is coming for me. No one even knows. My only hope is Ember regaining consciousness and putting a bullet through his head in the next two seconds. That’s assuming she isn’t already dead.

As the seconds tick by, my lungs begin to give out and my rapid kicking starts to ease. The water becomes calmer and it sparkles against the afternoon sunlight. If it wasn’t the last thing I was going to see before death, I would say that it’s almost beautiful.

I keep my stare on my attacker as I claw at his hand, and with the calming waters, I’m able to make out the finer features of his face. I don’t know him, but why would I? The last time I was attacked, it was a bunch of hitmen, so why would this be any different?

He’s by no means a pretty guy, especially with the way I destroyed his right eye. At least I’ll get to die peacefully knowing I fucked it up. Call me a petty bitch, but I hope he has to wear an eye patch and his bullshit, douchey friends make him feel like shit about it for the rest of his pathetic life. Then he’ll always be reminded about how just for a moment, this bitch got the best of him.

My lungs start to ache as my body screams for oxygen.

It’s only going to be a few more seconds.

My energy falters and my hands fall away from his fingers on my throat as four beyond handsome faces filter through my mind. I didn’t get enough time with them.

Cruz. King. Grayson. Carver.

I hope they can forgive me. I wasn’t strong enough to survive, but they’ll move on. King and Cruz will find someone else and Grayson will eventually deliver that first kiss to another’s lips. Never mine.

The images quickly morph into the photograph I’d seen of my parents and as I picture the soft lines of my mother’s face and the sparkle that was captured in my father’s eyes, peace settles through me.

I’m finally going to meet my parents.

My eyes close and then finally, the darkness claims me.


Water is forced out of my lungs as a heavy weight presses down over me, crushing my chest and sending pain soaring through me.

“Come on,” I hear Grayson’s deep, demanding growl as he hovers over me. “You’re not fucking dying on me yet.”

I hear curses and scuffles in the background, and he presses against my chest again. My eyes spring open and more water comes rapidly soaring up my throat.

“Fuck,” Grayson sighs, grabbing me and rolling me onto my side as more water pours from my lungs while I fight to suck in a deep breath of welcomed oxygen.

He slams his hand against my back, getting all the water out, and as he does, I look across my backyard to where Cruz sits on the top step of the pool, completely drenched, watching me with fear in his eyes. Seeing the water come up and the life in my eyes, his head drops into his hands and I watch as he takes slow, calming breaths.

King and Carver are on the opposite side of the pool. Carver straddled over my attacker, beating the ever-loving shit out of him while King grabs his head and slams it down over the concrete. The sound is like music to my ears, and I watch intently as he does

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