Daisy Jones & The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid Page 0,64

was good at motherhood.

Karen: Camila had said to me that day, something like “I’m living the life I want to live.” And there was an ease about her, as she said it.

Graham: While Camila and the twins were outside, Billy set Julia up in the control booth. She was there hanging out with Artie and Teddy and everybody while we all laid something down.

She had such a fun time in there. She was so cute with the cans on her ears and her tiny little dress. Her hair was still blond then. Her legs were so short, they didn’t even bend at the knee when she sat, just stuck straight out.

Karen: I decided to tell Camila about Graham. I needed her help figuring out what to do.

I had … I never told him this, but I saw a letter from his mom on his nightstand one morning. And I hadn’t meant to pry but it was right there and a few lines stood out. His mom was telling him that if he really loved this girl he was with than he should make it official. And that freaked me out.

Graham: I wanted a family. Not right then. But sure, I wanted what my brother had.

Karen: I said to Camila, “What would you think if I was sleeping with Graham?”

She took off her sunglasses and looked me right in the eye. She said, “If you were sleeping with Graham?”

I said, “Yeah, if.”

Camila: He’d been in love with her since God only knows how long.

Karen: We kept talking in hypotheticals. Camila said I would have to be taking into account the fact that Graham had had feelings for me for quite a while. Which … I knew but I didn’t know, I guess.

Camila: I told her that if she was sleeping with Graham and wasn’t feeling about him the way I knew he felt about her … well, I think I told her to stop.

Karen: I believe she said, “Don’t hurt Graham or I’ll kill you.”

I said, “Aren’t you worried about Graham hurting me?”

And she said, “If Graham broke your heart, I’d kill him, too. You know that. But we both know Graham’s not going to break your heart. We both know which way this is going to go.”

I got a little defensive but Camila never really backed down from too much. She was very good at knowing what everybody else should do and she had no problem telling you. It was really annoying. How right she always was. And she would tell you “I told you so.” You’d do something she told you not to do and it wouldn’t work out and you’d find yourself bristling around her, just waiting for that “I told you so” to come. And she’d always land it right when your defenses were down.

Camila: If you come to me and ask me for advice, and then you don’t take my advice, and it blows up in your face exactly like I told you it would, what do you expect me to say?

Karen: I told her, “Graham’s an adult. He can handle whatever he gets himself into. It’s not my job to make his decisions.”

Camila said, “Yes, it is.”

And I said, “No, it’s not.”

Camila: I told her, “Yes, it is.”

Karen: And we just kept going on like that until I gave up.

Daisy: We were recording and Julia was in the booth. They had all come to visit Billy that day. And there was something wrong with my mike so I was sitting it out while everyone tried to fix it.

I went into the control booth and asked Julia if she wanted to get a cookie. She took her headphones off her head and said, “Does my dad say it’s okay?” It was so sweet.

Teddy leaned on the talkback button and said, “Julia would like to know if she may have a cookie.”

Billy leaned in and said, “Yes, she may.” And then he added, “Just make sure it’s a … normal one.”

I took Julia by the hand and we went to the kitchen and we split a peanut butter cookie. She told me she liked pineapples. I remember that because I love pineapples and I told her that. She got really excited, that we had that in common. I told her we should split a pineapple sometime. And then Karen came into the kitchen and Camila was calling out for Julia and I brought her to her. Julia waved goodbye to me and Camila thanked me for watching

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