Daisy Jones & The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid Page 0,33

had teenagers and parents, now we had a lot of women.

Billy: I stood there in front of that crowd, stone sober, feeling their excitement, knowing “Honeycomb” was heading for the Top 10. And I knew I had those people in the palm of my hand. I knew they wanted to like us. They already liked us. I didn’t have to win them over. I stood on that stage and … we’d already won.

Eddie: We really pulled out the stops that night, put it all out there on the floor for ’em.

Billy: At the end of the show I said, “What do you all say I bring Daisy Jones back out here and we play ‘Honeycomb’ for ya?”

Daisy: The crowd went crazy. The whole place started rumbling.

Billy: I could feel my microphone vibrating as they screamed and stomped their feet and I thought, Holy shit, we’re rock stars.

By the end of 1976, “Honeycomb” had peaked at number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100. The band, along with Daisy, had performed the song on Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert and The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. They had finished up their North American tour dates and were gearing up for the short European leg of the tour. Camila Dunne, now six months pregnant, returned with Julia to Los Angeles.

Billy: I couldn’t make Camila and Julia stay out on the road with me indefinitely, I had to take control of it myself.

Camila: I knew him well enough to know when I needed to stay and when it was okay to go.

Billy: The first night without them was hard. I remember sitting on my suite balcony after the show, hearing all the chaos outside, wanting to be a part of it. There was this voice in my head saying, You can’t do this, you can’t stay sober for much longer.

I ended up calling Teddy. It was early hours of the morning but it was only about dinnertime for him. I made up something to talk to him about. [Laughs] I think we ended up discussing whether he should marry Yasmine. He was worried he was too old for her. I told him to go for it anyway. And by the end of the call, I was feeling tired. I knew I could go right to sleep. Live to see another day. When we got off the phone Teddy said, “You feeling all right now, Billy?” And I said, “Yeah, I am.”

After I had that first night under my belt, I felt a bit better. I stuck to my routine. I stayed away from the partying. When the show was over, I went back to my hotel room and I’d listen to some records or I’d go get a decaf coffee and read the paper at a diner. Sometimes Pete or Graham would join me. Although, most of the time, God knows Graham was just trailing after Karen somewhere.

But I just kept on like I’d been doing when Camila and Julia had been with me. Toeing the line.

Graham: It was the same when Camila was there as when she wasn’t there. Billy was with the band when there was work to be done. And Daisy was with us when there was partying to be done. And never the two shall meet, or whatever it is they say.

Rod: Right before we were heading out to Sweden, I’d told Billy and Graham that Runner was considering extending their tour once the European leg was done. I asked them what they thought of tacking on a couple more weeks once they got back to the States.

It was a nonstarter. Camila was due around when we’d be getting back. Billy felt like he was cutting it close as it was.

Graham: It was a two-second conversation. Would I have liked to have continued the tour? Of course. Did it put us in a tough spot that Billy had to go home? Yeah. But he had to go home. End of discussion.

Warren: All of us wanted to do more dates but we couldn’t perform without Billy. You can plug in some guitarists for a few shows, a keyboardist. But you can’t replace Billy.

Daisy: We were doing sold-out shows. And a lot of that was my doing.

Meanwhile, the band’s album was selling a lot more than mine. Theirs was better than mine, so it made sense, but when it came to the live show, a lot of people really were coming to see me. And even some of the ones that didn’t care

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