Daisy Jones & The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid Page 0,106

There was so much going on in my head. And then, before I knew it I was … [sighs] I was on my way to the hotel bar. I was walking, one foot in front of the other, to the bar to get a tequila. That’s what I was doing. That’s what I was doing. I was walking to the bar to get a drink when Graham came in to find me.

Graham: He blew me off. I said, “It’s important. For once, please. I gotta talk to you.”

Billy: I couldn’t do anything but focus on what I was doing. My voice was calling to me and telling me to go get a tequila. And that’s what I was going to do. I couldn’t help anyone else. I couldn’t do anything for anybody.

Graham: I’m standing there in the lobby and I know I look like I’m struggling. I’m on the verge of tears. I don’t cry. I don’t think I’ve cried more than twice in my life. Once when my mom died in ‘ninety-four and the other … The point is I needed my brother. I needed my brother.

Billy: He grabbed my shirt and he said, “With all the shit I’ve done for you our entire lives, you don’t have five fucking minutes to talk to me?” I took his hand and I pulled it off of me and I told him to go away. And he did.

Graham: You shouldn’t spend that much time with your brother. You just shouldn’t. You shouldn’t sleep with your bandmates and you shouldn’t work with your brother and there was a lot of shit that if I had it to do over, I would do differently.

Karen: I went back to the hotel and I slammed my door shut and I sat on the bed and I cried.

Warren: Eddie, Pete, Rod, and I smoked a spliff after the show. Everybody else was nowhere to be found.

Karen: Then I went to Graham’s room and I knocked on the door.

Graham: I understood why we couldn’t have a baby. I did. But I felt so alone. In what I’d lost. I was the only one who felt like we’d lost something. I was the only one grieving. And I was mad at her about that.

Karen: He answered the door and I stood there and I thought, Why did I come here? There was nothing I could say to him to fix anything.

Graham: Why couldn’t she see the future I saw?

Karen: I said, “You don’t understand me. You expect me to be someone I’m not.”

And Graham said, “You never loved me the way I loved you.”

And both of those things were true.

Graham: What could we do? How do you come back from that?

Karen: I leaned into him and I pushed my body against his. He wouldn’t hug me at first. He wouldn’t put his arms around me. But then he did.

Graham: She felt warm in my arms. But for some reason I remember her hands being cold. I don’t know how long we stayed like that.

Karen: Sometimes I wonder, if I was Graham, maybe I would have wanted a baby, too. If I knew someone else would raise it, someone else would let go of their own dreams, someone else would sacrifice and keep everything together while I went and did what I wanted and came back on weekends … maybe then I might want a baby, too.

Although, I don’t know. I’m still not sure that I would.

I guess what I’m saying is that I wasn’t mad at Graham. For not understanding me. And, ultimately, I don’t think he was all that mad at me, for what I wanted.

Graham: We hurt each other very badly. And that is my biggest regret. That is my very biggest regret. Because I loved her with all of my fucking soul. To this day, there is a piece of me that still loves her. And there is a piece of me that will never forgive her.

Karen: Even now, talking about him feels like poking a bruise.

Graham: I knew when I went to bed that night, I couldn’t be in a band with her.

Karen: There was no way we could be around each other, day to day, anymore. Maybe stronger people could have. We couldn’t.

Billy: I sat down at the bar and I ordered a tequila neat. And it arrived. And I sat there and I picked it up and swirled it around and I sniffed it. And then two women came up to me,

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