Daimon (Guardians of Hades #6) - Felicity Heaton Page 0,107

away from Cassandra.

“I am fine. Fed and rested. You two should do the same.” He looked at the daemon who was still sleeping curled up on the bottom of the square cage. “Anything?”

Daimon shook his head. “It’s like he’s hibernating.”

“Conserving his strength.” Keras ran an assessing gaze over the wraith, from his black hair, over his tattered long black robes, to his bare feet. “Go. I will watch him. I doubt he will wake any time soon.”

He was going to wake.

Keras was going to wake him.

He schooled his features as Daimon studied him, not allowing his younger brother to see his intent.

“You sure? You don’t want company?” Daimon looked reluctant to leave.

His brother was suspicious and he wasn’t the only one. The sorceress looked as if she didn’t believe him either.

“Do not make me issue an order, Daimon.” Keras eased down onto one of the benches that lined the walls of the square building.

For a moment, Daimon looked as if he might, but then he jerked his chin towards the door. “Come on, Cass. Let’s see if anyone left us some food.”

Daimon issued him a black look as Cass swept past him, pausing for a second before following her out into the fading night.

Leaving him alone with Eli.

Keras’s green gaze slid to the sleeping daemon.

Shadows rose from the ground and snapped at the cage, rattling it as they tried to pierce the barrier that surrounded the enchanted metal.

Eli shot to his knees in the centre of the cage, violet eyes darting to the shadows. He jerked left and right as those shadows lashed at the cage, rocking away from whichever side of the bars had been hit.

Keras leaned forwards and rested his elbows on his knees as he folded his hands together.

The daemon looked at him and hissed, flashing fangs.

Keras slowly smiled to reveal a hint of his own emerging fangs.

The wraith stiffened, realisation dawning in his eyes a split-second before he tried to back away from Keras. His spine met the cold metal bars of the cage and he tossed a fearful look at them and then Keras.

Keras’s smile widened as their eyes locked.

The world dropped away, everything familiar to him blurring into nothingness.

Something pushed back against him.

Keras gritted his teeth and resisted it, drew down a breath and focused all of his will on breaching that barrier that stood between him and what he wanted. Pain splintered across his skull in agonising waves that seemed to steal more of his strength with each one that washed over him.

His breaths shortened as he leaned forwards, as he peered harder into the darkness, determined to shatter it. He was a master of shadows and they would obey him.

He flinched and grunted as heat speared his mind, as his teeth ached and darkness writhed within him, snarled and gnashed its fangs at the threat before him.

Keras pushed it all back down inside him, shoved aside the fear and the pain, and tried again, pressing forwards into the darkness.

Eli whimpered. A pathetic sound.

From the darkness, a new place constructed itself, greenery rising to tower over him as blue and white tiles fell into position around a fountain, and golden dirt rolled across the ground beneath his feet.


A female lay before him, eyes fixed on him in a sightless stare.


Anger rolled through Keras, fury that stole his breath and had him wanting to lash out.

He lifted his head and glared at the ones responsible for her death.

His brothers.

Keras growled and pushed past the memory, seeking another. When it was one of Lisabeta again, he sought another. This one had the female daemon on her knees before him, naked and smiling. Keras tore it down and cast it aside. Sought another. Cold trickled down his spine and his hands shook as he flipped through the memories of the female daemon, following them deeper, sifting through layers and layers of them.

Eli was using them to hide the information Keras wanted. He was sure of it.

The wraith was resisting him.

Keras dropped to his knees and gripped the bars of the cage, rattled it as he snarled at the daemon it contained.

Muscles clamped down on his bones, his limbs trembling as he leaned hard against the cage, pushed deeper into Eli’s mind.

Pain wracked him, fire that devoured every inch of him as shadows twined around his limbs and dragged him deeper still, under the next wave.

He pushed through it, dived deeper and deeper, tearing down the memories of Lisabeta, racing back through time.

Jagged black lines spread across

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