Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9) - Laylah Roberts Page 0,96


“That’s my good girl,” he told her, kissing up her tummy to suck on one nipple then the other. He cupped her pussy. “Such a sweet pussy.” A kiss landed gently on her lips. Then reaching over, he grabbed the T-shirt.

“Sit up, teeny.”

She felt kind of dazed and out of it as he dressed her in the T-shirt. He drew the covers down and helped her into bed. After making sure she had Princess Nana and her snuggly, he pulled the curtains. The curtains were black-out ones so he turned the light on in the bathroom. Then he kissed her forehead gently. “When you wake up, you’re to come find me immediately. Once the baby monitor I ordered arrives, you’ll be able to wait in bed for me to come to you. Do not get dressed, just come straight to the office, understand?”

“Yes, Daddy, but I won’t sleep,” she muttered as her eyes drifted shut and she fell asleep.


Linc looked up from his work as a Little girl appeared in his doorway. Her hair was a tangled mess from her nap and he made a note to braid it next time. She still wore his T-shirt and as she rubbed at her eyes, it rode up far enough to show him that she wasn’t wearing panties.

What a good girl she was.

Maybe he should always have her come to him like this after her naps. It was freaking adorable. And it was making his already hard cock strain against his jeans. Damn, it was a wonder he could get any work done with all the blood pooling in his cock.

She still had Princess Nana and her snuggly in one arm. He wished that he had her playroom ready. But he’d set up a different sort of area for her this afternoon. He was still working through a pile of paperwork that had gotten neglected. No wonder Clint was so grouchy at times, having to deal with paperwork made him grumpy too.

Maybe what he needed was a reward for getting through this work.

“Come here, Mari-girl,” he told her. “Daddy wants you to sit on his lap.”

She walked forward with a yawn. “I can’t believe I fell asleep.”

“You’ve been asleep for two hours. I was about to come in and wake you. Didn’t want you to sleep too long or you’d never get to sleep tonight. Although they do say you’re not supposed to wake a sleeping baby.”

“Daddy,” she protested as he lifted her onto his lap so she was straddling his legs. “I’m not a baby.”

“Ahh, but you’re my baby, aren’t you? Tell me you’re my sweet Little baby girl.”

She squirmed on his lap. “I’m your sweet Little baby girl.”

“That you are. Now do you have to go potty?”



“You not supposed to ask questions like that,” she told him.

“Then how am I supposed to know whether you need to go or not? And you didn’t answer me.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I have to go.”

He stood her on her feet. “Let’s go then.”

“I don’t need any help,” she muttered.

“I won’t stay while you pee, not until you’re more comfortable with me doing that.”

“Can’t see that ever happening.”

Oh, it would.

He took Princess Nana and her snuggly from her, placing them on his desk. He led her into the bathroom, then drew the T-shirt up over her hips so she was bare as he guided her onto the toilet. He kissed her gently as she growled at him.

“I’ll go make you a snack. Do what you need to then come straight back to the office. Understand?”

“Such a bossy daddy,” she grumbled to herself as she walked back into the office. He was sitting behind the desk again. She looked over in interest at what he’d done in the corner of the room. There were two chairs from the dining table set up with a blanket over them and pillows scattered underneath.

“Daddy! Is that a blanket fort?”

“It’s a reading fort,” he told her. “Until we get your bean bag chair, I thought you might like to read in it and then I can keep you close to me. What do you think?”

She jumped up and down with a squeal. “It’s perfect.”

“Good. I’m glad you like it. Thought you might want to keep reading Caley’s story while I work.”

“That sounds perfect.” She couldn’t believe he was thoughtful.

“First, come give Daddy some loves and then have your snack and some water. You tested your blood sugars?”

“Yep, it’s good.”

She ended up sitting on his lap and eating her snack while Copyright 2016 - 2024