Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9) - Laylah Roberts Page 0,79

thumb into her mouth, unable to help herself. She thought he might get mad for her bringing up the money thing again. Maybe she should have stayed quiet.

Silly girl.

“Are Little girls supposed to worry about money, teeny?”

“Big girls are.”

He shrugged. “Only if they need to. And Daddy has told you that you don’t need to, hasn’t he?”

She nodded.

Reaching out, he tilted up her chin and then gently pulled her thumb from her mouth. “Daddy would very much like for you to stop worrying about money. There are things you do for Daddy and things that Daddy does for you, understand? Things do not have to be equal and yet in the end, they often end up that way.”

She wasn’t so convinced. How could they be equal when he was contributing all the money?

“Do you have any idea of why I might like being a Daddy Dom?” he asked her.

“You enjoy being in control. You like ordering me around.”

His lips twitched. “You answered that question quickly.”

She bit her lip. Was she not meant to say any of that? “Sorry, Daddy.”

“No, don’t be sorry. That was just the truth. And you’re right, I do like taking charge. But there’s more to it than me just ordering you around. Although I do enjoy that.” His smile grew. “However, I also have this deep need to take care of someone special, in all ways. You may have noticed that I’m rather protective.”

“Oh yeah, Daddy. I’ve noticed.”

“Hmm, I feel very protective of all the women on the ranch, but none more than you. I could become a bit overbearing. You’ll tell me if it’s too much, yeah?”

She nodded. Although, she rather liked his overprotectiveness. It was something she’d never had and always secretly craved. She’d had those silly dreams of a white knight appearing at her school to rescue her from all the tormenting bullies. Of her dad turning up to claim her, saying that he’d never meant to leave her, taking her away from Rosalind. But it had never happened, of course.

Until Linc.

“Although I’m not sure how I’d stop myself from being quite so protective and possessive of you. Not when I could have lost you. I still cannot believe that jerk had his hands on you, choking you. Harming what belongs to me.”

Oh God. Maybe the words should have scared her. After all, how long had they known each other? Instead, she found herself leaning into his touch as he cupped her cheek. She turned her head and kissed the palm of his hand. His eyes darkened with arousal.

“Maybe you’ll be as possessive of me as I am of you?” he asked her.


He grinned. “Good. Looking after you makes me feel complete, Mari-girl. I feel this deep contentment knowing that you’re in my house, sleeping in my bed, being pleasured under my hands and tongue. But I also want more than that. Like I said, earlier. I want to be your safe place.”

She was pretty certain he already was.

“And believe me, I’ll get a lot of pleasure from bathing you, dressing you, doing your hair. From watching you play with things that I bought you. Eat things I made for you. Wear the marks on your bottom that I will give you when you break the rules.”

“I’m not going to break the rules, Daddy. I is a good girl.” Okay. Whoa. Where did that come from? It seemed that browsing things for baby girls while Daddy spoke of rules and punishment was bringing out her Little.

He smiled wide then kissed the top of her nose. “And there she is, my own sweet little baby girl. Of course you’re a good girl. But even good girls break the rules sometimes. And I think you have a bit of a rebellious streak in you.”

Her? She did not. “I always obey the rules.” She was in no way rebellious. She was too shy and quiet to break the rules. Growing up as she had, she’d learned to do exactly as her aunt required. The consequences if she didn’t were too harsh.

“Really? So that wasn’t you that got pulled over by Ed the other night for speeding?” he asked sternly.

“I didn’t notice I was speeding. I was thinking of something else. It doesn’t happen that often.”

“Is that so?” he drawled.

“Well, I guess it depends on what you classify as often,” she muttered, shifting around uncomfortably.

“That won’t be happening again. That’s one of your rules.”

“I really need that list,” she muttered.

“We’ll get to that soon. We haven’t ordered Copyright 2016 - 2024