Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9) - Laylah Roberts Page 0,74

hell. He had to be kidding her?

Then his leg went between hers, his thigh pressing up against her pussy. He wasn’t really expecting her to sleep like this. Right?

She’d once read somewhere that being the big spoon meant you felt protective and possessive of the other person.

And well, if there were ever two words to describe Linc . . .

Oh and sexy, bossy and funny as well.

It was a killer combination.

“Relax, baby. Sleep time.”

There was no way at all she was gonna sleep. Nope.

Marisol woke up as she usually did, on her tummy with one leg hitched. With her thumb in her mouth, snuggly being rubbed under her nose.

Only this time something was different. There was something hot on her ass. Something that cupped and squeezed.

“Good morning, Mari-girl. Sleep well?”

She let out a small squeak and opened her eyes to find Linc staring at her. His hair was deliciously tousled. His eyes dark and smoky. What did they call them? Bedroom eyes? Holy hell. She totally got that description now. He ran his gaze over her, taking her in. His hand cupped her ass.

She tried to speak then realized that she still had her thumb in her mouth. Quickly, she withdrew it, blushing.

“Don’t remove it on my account,” he told her huskily. “You look so sweet, lying there with your snuggly and your dolly, sucking your thumb. Have you ever tried a pacifier?”

She shook her head.

“Would you like to?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered.

He studied her. “You’ve never thought about it?”

She bit her lip. She couldn’t lie. And not answering would be like telling him anyway. “I have. I’ve just never gotten up the courage to buy one. I was worried my aunt would find it.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. What about a bottle?”

“Umm. Maybe,” she replied. She’d definitely thought about it.

He rewarded her honesty with a warm smile. “We can try whatever you like, Mari-girl. This morning, we’ll go online and buy some toys and supplies for your Little. As well as some toys for big Mari.”

“W-what toys?” He continued to squeeze her ass. Her clit throbbed, wanting him to move his hand down lower to play with her slick lips, to flick her tight nub.

He’d corrupted her. There was no other explanation.

“Oh, we’re going to need a clit tickler.”

Her breath hitched. He couldn’t seriously mean . . .

“We’ll get you some anal plugs as well. Have you thought about me taking you there?” He moved one finger between her cheeks and she tensed.

“Umm . . .”

“Answer me honestly, Mari-girl, or we’ll start the day by reddening your bottom.”

She closed her eyes, unable to look at him as she answered. “Yes.”

“Good girl.” He squeezed her bottom gently. Dear Lord, who thought that a butt massage would be such a turn-on?

“Your honesty is going to get a reward very shortly. How sensitive are your nipples?”


“Hmm, are you ready to show me them? To show me all of you? Don’t you think I deserve that?”

“I’m not sure you’ll think of it as much of a reward,” she muttered.

Smack! That same hand that had been playing with her, landed sharp on her bare ass.


She tried to reach down and cover the area but he flicked the blankets back, pulling her T-shirt up over her bottom. He gently rubbed the sore spot as her cheeks filled with red at the sight she knew she must make. She tried to push her T-shirt down, but he gave her a stern look.

“You just earned your first punishment.”

She tensed. “What? Why?””

“You know very well what for,” he replied. “But before we get to that, do you need to go potty? Check your blood sugars?”

“Um, yes.” Anything to avoid punishment.

He landed another smack on her ass. “Go do that.”

She scrambled out of bed, grateful for the reprieve.

“But don’t take too long or Daddy will assume you need help and come in.”

Crap. So much for that tactic.

She took care of matters then walked slowly back into the bedroom. Surely, he hadn’t meant what he’d said.

He was sitting up in bed. When he caught sight of her, he crooked a finger then pointed at her side of the bed. She moved around and sat, facing him. She took a quick glance at the door then away.

Reaching out, he grasped hold of her chin. “We haven’t talked about limits. I’m not planning on using anything but my hand until we do. Okay?”

Something settled inside her. “Okay.”

“And you always have your safeword.”

She nodded and he let her go Copyright 2016 - 2024