Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9) - Laylah Roberts Page 0,7

fight back that he’d release her. Eventually, he loosened his hold, shoving her hand away. She cradled her arm against her chest.

“I’m twenty-three, I don’t need anyone to take charge of me.”

“Actually, I think you need very close watching. I don’t think I’m going to let you out of my sight for a good long while. Or should that be, out of my bedroom.” He moved in front of her, running a finger along the base of her neck. “These books you read just gave me an insight into what you need, Marisol. You need someone strong to take charge of you. You’re looking for an alpha male, someone to dominate you, fuck you, punish you. I’m the man you need.”

Only if she was looking for an egotistical psychopathic creep.

Thankfully, she didn’t say that out loud. But something in her face must have clued him in. His face filled with anger again. She stepped back, staring at him fearfully. Just as he was reaching for her, a knock came on the door.

“What?” Tiger snapped, still glaring at her.

Was it her aunt? Was she going to do the decent thing for once and try to help her? Hope filled her chest. Only to come crashing down.

“Tiger! We’ve got to fucking go!” Saber said impatiently.

“Can it wait five fucking minutes, kind of busy.”

“No, it can’t fucking wait. This is more fucking important than you getting your dick wet. Shit has gone down. Jackal and Falcon are dead.”

“What the fuck?” Tiger strode over to the door, unlocking and flinging it open.

She didn’t know who Jackal and Falcon were. And she knew it was wrong, but she was really glad they were dead right then.

That’s kind of an awful thing to think, Marisol.

Yeah, but then if they were friends of Saber, they were hardly going to be nice people.

Saber moved his gaze from Tiger to her. His gaze felt so filthy that she wanted to immediately jump in the shower. And still, she didn’t think she’d get that oily feel off her skin.

“Your aunt has some good news for you, Marisol,” Saber told her with an evil grin. “We’ll be seeing you real soon.”

He turned and strode away. Tiger grabbed hold of her sore wrist, making her cry out. He dragged her against him. “I’ll be back, Marisol. And you better be fucking prepared to kneel.”

At the doorway, he turned back and threw her eReader towards the bed. Only he had shit aim and it smashed against her bedside drawers.

No. No. No.

Tiger left and she fled over to where her eReader lay on the floor. Please let it be all right. Please.

She turned it over, tears dripping down her cheeks as she took in its cracked surface. It had taken her so long to save up for it on the measly allowance her aunt gave her.

“What are you doing sitting on the floor, sniveling?”

She looked over at her aunt’s spiteful voice. She guessed Rosalind was a beautiful woman. If you judged her on her outside appearance alone. She was forty-five, but looked ten years younger. People often mistook them for sisters. Rosalind loved that. With long, shiny dark hair, big hazel eyes and a tiny waist with her generous boobs, she was gorgeous. But Marisol could see under the surface. And all she saw was darkness. Rosalind was mean. Spiteful. Petty.

But surely, she wouldn’t let her be abused? A spark of hope lit inside her. If she told her about Tiger would she keep him away from Marisol?

Or would she not care?

“Tiger broke my eReader,” she explained.

A wave of nausea came over her. She really needed to eat something.

“So? You’ve always got your face in that damn thing. You have more important things to do. He did you a favor.”

“A favor?” she whispered, anger stirring inside her. “He was talking like he . . . like he wanted to . . .”

“What, Marisol?” Her aunt brought a cigarette up to her mouth and puffed on it. She only smoked the things post-sex. It made Marisol shudder at the memory of Saber pounding into her.

She now wore a black silk negligee and gown over the top. Marisol hoped she wasn’t expecting Saber to come back.

“Spit it out. I don’t have all night. You’re late.”

“He wants to have sex with me.” She knew she was bright red as she spat the words out.

“And? So what? You should do what he wants.”

Marisol’s mouth dropped open. She knew she should have expected it. Her aunt had never once Copyright 2016 - 2024