Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9) - Laylah Roberts Page 0,43

busy to be bothered by anything to do with you, Mari-girl,” the deep voice came from the doorway.

She turned with a gasp. She hadn’t even heard him enter the building, never mind walk up behind her. She must be more out of it than she’d realized.

Being attacked and having to jump off a balcony and run for your life will do that for you.

He was wearing a plaid shirt and dark blue jeans with a black jacket. There was a slight scruff on his cheeks as though he hadn’t shaved for a day or so. It only added to his appeal. His gaze looked tired as he ran it over her, as though checking her for any harm.

“I’m so sorry you came all the way in, Linc.” She glared up at Ed. “I had no idea that the sheriff called you.”

Ed whistled. “Back to sheriff. Ouch.”

Linc stared down at her with an unreadable look on his face. What was he thinking? That he couldn’t believe how troublesome she was? That he wished he’d never met her?

He strode over to where she was still sitting, then he drew her up and straight into his arms.

“I’ll give you two a minute,” Ed said.

She didn’t even notice the sheriff leaving. She was too engrossed in the feel of Linc holding her tight. He rocked her gently.

“Jesus, teeny. You scared the shit out of me.”

Her eyebrows rose. It was unlike Linc to swear in front of her. But she could hear the fear in his voice. Now she felt even worse.

“You okay? Please tell me you’re okay?”

She was glad for her high-necked sweater. She hadn’t had time to check if there was any evidence of Tiger choking her.

“I’m fine. I promise.”

You should tell him the truth.


He growled, tightening his arms around her. “Damn it. Damn it.” He gently let go of her then he arranged the chairs so they faced each other.

“Sit. Please.”

He sat as well, his thighs on either side of hers, trapping her. But she didn’t feel scared. A bit worried maybe. Definitely guilty.

“I’m so sorry, Linc. You shouldn’t have come in. Really. I’m all right.”

“I shouldn’t have?” He raised both eyebrows.

“You look tired. I know you’re busy. I’m so sorry you had to drive all the way in here.”

“That so?” he drawled, giving none of his thoughts away.

“Yes.” She licked her lips. Was he going to say anything more? “Are you okay?”

“Not sure. That’s a loaded question. Tell me, did you have any intention of calling me?”

“Calling you?”

“Yes. Ed said he found you walking along the side of the road, in the dark, no jacket and a backpack on. He said that you were trembling, upset, that clearly something had happened.”

Drat Ed anyway.

“He’s a big old tattletale.”

“Did you just call Ed a tattletale? Marisol, this isn’t a joke. This is serious.”

Oh, she didn’t like him calling her by her full name.

He gave her a stern look. “What were you planning on doing if Ed wasn’t there? Would you have called me then? Or were you planning on walking all the way into town, in the dark and cold? Would you have called me when you got to town? The next morning? At all?”

His voice was cold. Hard. She’d never heard him sound like that. Or look this way. He could be firm. Even stern. But nothing like this.

“You’re angry with me,” she whispered, wringing her hands together. She didn’t like that he was so upset with her. Unlike Rosalind, his anger ran icy cold rather than fiery hot.

She guessed at least he wasn’t yelling at her. She wasn’t sure what she would do if he did that.

“I’m upset with you. Do you know why?”

“Because I didn’t call you? But I was going to call you. I tried to when I was walking towards the road, but my phone was dead.”

He let out a sigh, leaning back in his chair. “Okay, that’s something. I want you to know that you can always call me if you’re in trouble. No matter what the time is or what I’m doing. I’ll drop everything for you, Mari-girl.”

Okay. Wow. That was unexpected.

“The entire drive here all I could think of was the ways you could have been hurt or harmed. It was torture.”

“I’m sorry,” she told him.

“What happened? What made you leave your aunt’s house on foot at night?”

“I’d like to know that as well,” Ed said, walking back into the room.

“She hasn’t told you?” Linc asked him.

“Not exactly. She just keeps telling me that she’s Copyright 2016 - 2024