Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9) - Laylah Roberts Page 0,27

want to know what he was going to say. She couldn’t bear it. She wasn’t sure if she was dreading him telling her that he liked her but as a friend. Or that he liked her and wanted more.

Shoot. Saying yes to this picnic was definitely a bad idea.

“I have to pee,” she said suddenly.

Oh God, Marisol. Couldn’t you have told him something else? Anything else?

She jumped to her feet and looked around as though she thought a toilet might magically appear out of thin air.


“Are you all right? Do you want me to drive you back to town?”

“No. No, I got this,” she muttered. She really didn’t. She thought she might be losing her mind to be quite frank. But she stomped her way behind a bush. You are such a fool, Marisol. After a quick look around to make sure she was alone, she pulled her pants down and got on with things.

Okay, how did one go about doing this? Did you sit? Crouch?

“Mari-girl? You okay?” Linc called out.

All right, even if he had been about to tell her that he wanted something more, she was guessing she’d likely turned him off by now. This wasn’t sexy or attractive. It was more than a bit embarrassing.

“I’m fine.”

“You ever peed behind a bush before?”

“Who hasn’t? I mean, I’m an old hand at it.”

“Are you lying to me, little one?” he asked.

“I wouldn’t call it lying.”

“Then what would you call it?”

“Totally humiliated babbling,” she spat out. “This isn’t exactly something I’m comfortable with.”

“Teeny, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” His voice was so soft and sweet that she felt her insides melt.

Why did she have to meet him now? When everything was up in the air? When it was all a complete mess?

Because fate hated her. She was certain of it.

“Just squat right down so your hips are lower than your knees. If you can’t squat easily, we can find you a tree to lean against.”

“No, I’m fine squatting.” She was not going to go on a hunt for a tree to pee against with him. How would that even go? What sort of tree qualified as a peeing tree? Nope. There had to be somewhere where she drew the line and that was it. No searching together for good spots to squat.

Oh dear Lord.

“Try to keep your clothes and feet out of the way so you don’t pee on them.” How could he sound so normal? Was this something he did every day? Coaxed someone on how to pee outside? And here she thought moving to the country, the only things she’d need to worry about were the different sorts of critters. She froze in a crouching position.

“What if there’s a snake?” she asked in a high voice.

“There’s a snake?” Now alarm filled his voice.

“Not that I can see!” She glanced around frantically. “But what if one appears?”

“Okay, Mari-girl. Calm down. I can hear you panicking from here.”

Well. Yeah. She was freaking out. Peeing outdoors. Have snakes slither up on her while her pants were down. These were all new experiences and none of them good.

“Snakes are more scared of you than you are of them.”

“I really don’t think that’s possible.” Her thighs were starting to burn. She needed to start an exercise routine. Pronto.

Not that she ever intended on repeating this experience again.

Nope. Not happening. She should have just held on and risked peeing her pants.

“Snakes aren’t really active this time of year, it’s too cold for them. But if you want, I can come keep watch for you?”

“No! In fact, you should step away. Far away.”

Last thing she needed was for him to hear her pee.

“I’m not going too far away in case you need me. Just let go, Mari-girl. I’m not embarrassed. You shouldn’t be either.”

Easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one peeing behind a bush and making a fool of themselves.

Finally, knowing she couldn’t crouch here much longer or she’d risk falling over, she forced herself to relax. She could hear Linc singing in the background as though he was trying to help her relax. What was he singing?

Whatever it was, it did the trick. She finished up and then stood behind the bush, trying to wait for the embarrassment on her cheeks to fade.

Come on, Marisol. You can do this.

“Are you singing?” she asked as she walked back towards him.

“Thought it might help,” he told her.

“Well, it did. So thank you,” she replied quietly.

Suddenly, something sharp pierced her foot and she let Copyright 2016 - 2024