Cut and Run (Lucy Kincaid #16) - Allison Brennan Page 0,87

the car speakers.

“I was going to text you, but I wanted to hear your voice,” Dillon said. “And I’m stuck in traffic.”


“Coming home from Haynesville. Drove down early this morning to assess an inmate.” Dillon was a forensic psychiatrist who consulted for a variety of legal entities. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“No, I’m also driving, heading back to town. I hope you’re not calling to tell me you and Kate are canceling Thanksgiving. You’re the only ones who’ve confirmed. Jack and Megan are staying in Sacramento with Megan’s brother, and Carina’s in her last trimester, I knew traveling would be difficult for her. Connor bowed out for no real reason, though I think he would rather stay home close to Carina, and Patrick doesn’t think he can come because of something going on with Elle.”

“I’ll talk to him.”

“And then Sean’s family is just as bad. Kane will probably be here with Siobhan, but getting him to confirm anything is impossible. He’ll just show up. Duke and Nora are thinking about coming but won’t commit.”

“Most people are not as organized as you are, Lucy.”

“I just want to know, one way or the other.”

“Next year, our house. You, Sean, and Jesse will stay with us. Your room is still your room, and we have the guest room for Jesse.”

“I’ll be there.”

“Not to change the subject, but I heard Maxine was in San Antonio.”

“Word travels fast.”

“Ryan and Kate bonded over bad guys,” Dillon said. “They’ve been working on a new database to better track stolen art. Ryan mentioned Max hired Sean.”

“Yes,” Lucy said. She had been completely supportive of it initially, but now that Max was here, she was torn. Well, truth be told, she was torn now because they had merged the two cases and juggling a criminal investigation with what Max was doing was difficult at best. And could get Lucy in a lot of hot water.

“And … I take it you’re not happy about that?”

“Sean and Max? That’s fine. It’s an interesting case, nothing is cut-and-dried, and it’s local. He doesn’t want to travel right now as Jesse’s getting adjusted to his new situation.”


“It’s just that Max’s case has collided with my investigation.”

Lucy took the opportunity to explain everything to Dillon. Her brother, more than anyone else, could assess the complexities of motive better than anyone she knew. She told him everything, including a civilian joining Nate to retrieve Ricky Albright.

“Are you worried about Nate?”

“He’s a federal agent in Mexico. I have his badge and service weapon with me, but it’s sensitive.”

“I’m aware, but Nate knows what he’s doing.”

“I’m not really worried about them—I’m worried about Ricky. And not just because he lost his family. He’s a witness, and if the killers know that not only is he alive, but he was in the house at the same time they were— Nate and I already agreed that we’re putting him in protective custody. At least until we get this case resolved. Ricky can identify a corrupt cop—a cop who may have killed his parents. But I can hear the defense now. That he was scared and mistaken. He was hiding in a closet. He didn’t see what he thought he saw. I need to find solid evidence before they return.”

“Do you think he’s safer in Mexico?”

She hadn’t thought of it that way, but as soon as Dillon said it she realized that she was more worried about Ricky’s safety than she thought. “He’s been there for three years, and while on the one hand I want him home, because he has family who are worried about him, I don’t want to put him in danger. We have a lot of questions and no answers. Even Max connecting the cases is just a theory with no hard proof. Any judge would laugh us out of his courtroom because it’s a fishing expedition. To pull something like this off with so many people knowing parts of their plan—the bank manager, a cop, everyone surrounding Victoria Mills—they need lots of moving parts.”

“Slow down, Lucy. You’re talking about a large conspiracy, but not about the endgame. What were they doing? What was their goal?”

She was about to say, I don’t know, except they did know some things. “Denise was an accountant. Her best friend was Victoria Mills, who was a Realtor who primarily handled large land transactions. Before Stanley Grant was killed, he told Max that Victoria was working with Harrison Monroe, but he specifically said he didn’t know who he Copyright 2016 - 2024