Cut and Run (Lucy Kincaid #16) - Allison Brennan Page 0,148

that way.

Bandit came up and pushed his snout into her hand.

“I’m not sad,” she said to the dog, scratching him behind his ears. He put his chin on her lap and looked up at her as if he knew she was lying.

Lucy leaned back on the living-room couch and closed her eyes, absently petting Bandit. She tried not to be sad. This was Jesse’s first Thanksgiving with Sean, and she wanted it to be memorable. Dillon’s flight was delayed, he and Kate would be here later this morning. Kane and Siobhan were driving up from Hidalgo right now and would be here in a couple hours. They were supposed to be here yesterday but changed plans. She’d already talked to her mom and dad, who were going to Connor and Julia’s house for the holiday, along with Carina and Nick and JP.

She was really sad that Patrick wasn’t coming. Sure, she understood that Elle’s work was important, but so was family. And every time Patrick was going to come out for a visit, something in Elle’s life stopped him. The only time he’d been out here was for her wedding, and she absently thought that if Elle had had an emergency he would have bowed out of that, too.

That’s not fair, Lucy.

Maybe Lucy was a little bit jealous. She and Patrick had been so close for so long, and now they rarely talked. Patrick and Sean had once been best friends, but now when they talked it was about work.

Truly, though, it was the distance. If she’d stayed in DC, she and Patrick wouldn’t have grown apart.

Sean sat down next to her and kissed her. “Don’t look sad.” He put his arms around her and kissed the back of her neck. “Eating is delayed only a couple hours.”

“I know. Just … melancholy. Though you bought far too much, we’re going to be eating leftovers for weeks.”

“They’ll be delicious leftovers.”

Sean had taught himself how to cook, which was a relief to Lucy because she wasn’t good in the kitchen and she didn’t really want to learn. But last week he’d ordered a full Thanksgiving feast from a Texas BBQ, and it had been delivered at two. All they had to do was warm it up and set up the buffet. But he’d ordered for twenty people—wishful thinking on his part.

Lucy needed to be grateful for what she did have and the people who could visit for the holiday. They had friends, Sean’s brother Kane only lived a few hours away, and maybe she would have to make a bigger effort to visit family.

“Nate and Jesse are having an intense battle at the pool table,” Sean said. “And I think Jess might actually win this one.”

“He’s been practicing for months,” Lucy said. “He’s competitive, just like his father.” She smiled. Jesse had been a blessing in their lives, and she loved him more every day.

Their security system beeped a few seconds before the doorbell rang.

“That must be Kane and Siobhan,” Sean said as he got up. “They made good time.”

He opened the door. “Dillon!”

Lucy jumped up. Finally!

“They got us on an earlier flight,” Dillon said.

There was a lot of commotion at the door, and Lucy walked over.

Dillon and Kate weren’t the only ones who made an earlier flight.

“Patrick!” Lucy ran out and hugged her brother tightly. “You said you couldn’t come.”

Tears burned behind her eyelids.

He hugged her just as tightly back. “You can thank Dillon and Kate. They know people. Sean promised there would be enough food, so we brought guests.”

Lucy looked behind Patrick. Elle stood there with three kids, a teenage girl and two younger boys.

Lucy took a deep breath. Patrick loved Elle, and she would learn to love her, too. She walked over, smiled, and gave Elle a hug. “I’m so glad you came.” She looked at the kids. “I’m Lucy.”

Elle said, “Marianna, Pedro, and Carlos. I still don’t know how Kate got the judge to let me take them out of state, but I owe her big-time.”

Kate shook her head. “When the rules are stupid, we find a way to get around them.” She playfully hit Sean in the arm. “Isn’t that right, Sean?”

He grinned. “No comment. Kane’s still thirty minutes out, but you’re probably hungry. I have appetizers.”

“And a beer, I hope,” Patrick said.

“Harp, just for you, pal.”

They walked into the house. Lucy had never been happier. She put her arm around Sean. “You knew.”

“I knew Kate and Elle were working on it. Those kids lost everything and the system jerked them around. Split them up into three different foster homes. Marianna has been in and out of trouble, but most of it stemming from just trying to survive in a shitty home life. Elle wanted them together for Thanksgiving, but the judge wouldn’t let them leave DC—that’s why Patrick and Elle were going to stay. Kate pulled strings. She’s pretty amazing.”

“You’re pretty amazing, too.”

Sean kissed her. “I know.”

They followed their family and new friends into the house. Lucy blinked back tears.

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