Cut and Run (Lucy Kincaid #16) - Allison Brennan Page 0,13

important that we talk to Joe and Ginny and find out if he said anything to them, even if they didn’t think much about it at the time.”

“They’re at school,” she said.

“We can come back.”

“I need to talk to my husband first. We need to decide how we want to tell the kids about Ricky and his family.”

“We understand. We can come back about five thirty?” Lucy suggested.

“Okay, but I can’t make any promises.”

“We’re going to be in town for the rest of the day, so we’ll stop by on our way back to San Antonio.”

They got up, and Lucy motioned for Jill to continue sitting. “We’ll let ourselves out. Thank you, Mrs. Young.”

They walked to the car and Nate said, “He was probably grabbed when he got home.”

“Probably,” Lucy said.

“You don’t sound like you believe that.”

“I don’t know what to believe at this point. Ash didn’t find his body. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I want that kid to be alive.”

“So do I, Luce,” he said.

She pulled out her cell phone and called Sean. He answered on the second ring. “Hey, I’m going to be late tonight,” she said.

“How late?”

“Nate and I are still in Kerrville, and we have an interview scheduled for five thirty tonight. So I don’t see me getting home before seven thirty, maybe eight.”

“Jess and I will find something to keep us occupied.”

“Save me food.”

“Well, that’s asking quite a bit, but I’ll see what I can do.”

“You’re so funny,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Be careful out there. I love you.”

“Love you, too.” She smiled and ended the call. “We have a couple hours, I’d like to talk to Glen Albright’s principal, if she’s still there. Check on Ash at the Albright house.”

“Becky Albright’s best friend was originally interviewed, we should talk to her as well.”

As Nate drove off, Lucy had the odd feeling that she was being watched. She looked at the Young house but didn’t see anyone standing at a window. She looked over her shoulder and didn’t see anyone on the street.

“What’s wrong?” Nate asked.


“It’s something. You have that look on your face.”

“What look?”


Lucy didn’t like talking about her odd sixth sense about being watched. It had started years ago, and while she controlled the panic that used to come with the sensation, it still made her feel off-center.

“Someone was watching us. I had a feeling as we left the house, and it just got stronger.”

“Maybe you’re psychic.”

“I’m not psychic,” she snapped.

“I was joking, Lucy. But I trust your gut, and if you say someone was watching us, someone was watching us.”

“A neighbor most likely.”

Lucy looked back several times, getting the sense that they were being followed, but no one followed them out of the Youngs’ neighborhood.

She wanted to believe that she was being paranoid … but that sixth sense, whatever she called it, had saved her butt more than once, so she wasn’t going to discount it.

Even if no one was around.

Chapter Four


Ricky pedaled as fast as he could, but he was hot, tired, angry, and unbearably sad, all rolled into one.

He knew his parents were going to get a divorce. For months all they had done was argue. He didn’t know about what—he didn’t hear anything specific, other than that his mom had done something that made his dad really, really mad. And his dad never got mad. Even when Ricky and Joe, his best friend, broke the big picture window because they were playing baseball too close to the house. Even when Tori missed curfew for the hundredth time. So when his dad got mad, everyone would freeze because it was so … weird.

Ricky talked to his sister Becky, whom he thought of as his nice sister, when he heard their mom crying after their dad went on a walk. That was another thing—his dad didn’t just go for a walk. That meant he was thinking things through, like a complex problem or something. Becky said that it was normal to argue and they weren’t getting a divorce. They’d been married for almost twenty years. As proof she told him that she’d just the day before walked into the house after school and they were hugging in the kitchen.

He didn’t know if that was proof of anything, but it made him feel better. Until this morning when he heard his mom crying again when talking on the phone. He didn’t know who she was talking to, but she said one thing that stuck with him.

“I have to leave. Copyright 2016 - 2024