Cut and Run (Lucy Kincaid #16) - Allison Brennan Page 0,109

at such a young age.

“Lucy said they’re taking him to Saint Catherine’s. He identified one of the cops as being in his house the night his family was killed. He has a statement to make, and once he does then hopefully he’ll be safe. Lucy is trying to figure out how to do it without putting him in the system.”

“In my experience, that’s going to get her in hot water.”

Sean didn’t comment, and Max wondered if he was worried as well.

They went to the last property on the list, then Sean drove back to her hotel. “Call when you’re done,” Sean said. “We’ll compare notes. And I know I don’t have to tell you this, but be careful if you leave. Hotel security is really good, but there’s still public access. If you want, you can stay with Lucy and me.”

“I appreciate that, but I’ll stay put for now.”

Sean didn’t leave until Max walked through the main doors. She appreciated the watchful eye, but Ryan clearly had said something to Sean, because he hadn’t been over protective until they spoke.

She went up to her suite considering how she wanted to approach Simon Mills. By the time she reached her door, she had a plan. While she didn’t know how Sean thought he could get Mitch to turn on Harrison Monroe, Max was certain her idea would work with Simon.

She stared at the crime scene photos while waiting for Simon to answer. It took him so long she thought the call would go to voice mail; fortunately, he picked up.

“Hello, Simon. It’s Maxine.”

“Are you back in New York?”


“Why the hell not? The case is closed.”

“The case is not closed, Simon.”

“I know my dad asked you to help, but he isn’t thinking straight. He’s getting confused.”

“I talked to him at great length the other day; he certainly didn’t act confused.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“It’s what you said.”

“Dammit, don’t twist my words!”

“Why are you so defensive, Simon?”

“Look, Max, I understand why my dad is frustrated. He liked Stan. We all did. He was one of my best friends. So when he changed his plea my dad had hope. But Stan killed Victoria. The first time I saw him in prison, I asked him. I asked how the fuck he could kill my sister. After everything we’d been through. And he said, ‘I’m sorry, Simon. I don’t know what happened, I snapped, I’m sorry.’ I can still hear him.” He paused, but Max didn’t speak. A moment later, Simon said, “For what it’s worth, I don’t think he planned to kill her. I think he just got mad. Victoria could do that, sometimes. If she discovered he was gambling again, stole money from the company, she knew exactly how to make you feel like you were trash. And he killed her. Regretted it and confessed. I believe it, Max, and you should, too.”

“Let’s talk in person,” she said. Simon sounded sincere over the phone, but she wanted to see his expression when she talked about Harrison Monroe and Stan’s alleged embezzlement. “I’m thinking about returning to New York—I have a life there I want to reclaim—but I can’t leave without making sure that I can give Grover my honest opinion about Victoria’s murder, and I’m not convinced that Stan is guilty.”

“And that’s all you want? To believe that he’s guilty?”

“I want the truth, Simon. It’s important to me, but more important to your parents. I’m at my hotel. Come meet me for a drink.”


“Sun Towers.”

“I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

* * *

Simon was late, but Max didn’t hold that against him. She figured he debated for about fifteen minutes whether he would come at all. He walked into the bar, spotted her by the window, and strode over. The server immediately came over and Simon ordered a double Scotch on the rocks.

Max sipped her Cabernet. She’d also ordered a cheese and fruit tray when she arrived and motioned for Simon to help himself.

He took a grape. “It’s been a shitty week, Max. Hell, it’s been a shitty year.”

“Tell me about Harrison Monroe’s gambling enterprise.”

Simon nearly choked but recovered quickly. “What?”

“In college, your roommate, Victoria’s boyfriend, ran an underground casino on campus. Got away with it for several years because he pulled in key staff and administration to ensure that if he was caught they could make it go away. But he wasn’t caught.”

“I don’t know where you heard that.”

“Andy Tompkins.”

“Tompkins? Shit, Max, none of us have talked to him in years. Decades. We all Copyright 2016 - 2024