Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,78

skin on his.

"Say it again, Aislynn."

"I love you," she said without hesitation. "I love you...I love you," she repeated with kisses in between.

"Tell me what you want. Ask me for what you need," he said.

"Just…love me," she whispered, moving her hands slowly over his back.

I do.

He kissed her without urgency, without haste, but with all the love he felt for her. His hands explored her body, touched her in all the places he had now learned made her crazy with need. There was no big production or mind-blowing new sexual position. It was soft, and slow, and just what Aislynn had asked for.

Just love me.

I do.

He slid slowly into her, her body welcoming him with the most delicious warmth and wetness he had ever felt. They fit together perfectly, and the sensation nearly made him lose his head. He felt her push her body into his, their hips meeting in a synchronized rhythm, her breasts molding perfectly in his hands, love exchanged effortlessly between two healing hearts. And after what felt like hours of exalted physical sensations and overwhelming emotions, he made her lose control.

He watched as she let herself go, the feeling of her orgasm overtaking her, her cries of passion filling his ears, her walls contracting around him over and over again—it was a vision he would never be able to erase from his mind.

And he never wanted to.

Because he loved her.

I do.

Aislynn woke up to the wonderful smell of coffee and a soft voice murmuring sweet words in her ear. She hoped they were both just part of a dream, and that she could continue to sleep until the dream was over.

"It's not a dream, babydoc. Happy birthday," Jace whispered.

No control over my brain-mouth connection yet, it seems. Need to get a handle on that.

Aislynn smiled when she heard his voice again, but kept her eyes closed, still not sure if she was ready to face the day. The bed was quite comfortable, and she felt confident that she could find a way to convince Jace to stay wrapped up in his sheets with her all day. She blindly searched his side of the bed for his warm body and the bargaining tool hidden under his pajama bottoms, but only found empty, cold space.

What the hell?

She opened her eyes and sat up on her elbows. Jace was standing to her right, an amused smile on his face and a huge cup of coffee in his hands.

"Hi," she said, her voice still heavy with sleep. "Why aren't you naked and in bed with me? I had a plan and you're ruining it."

"As enticing as that sounds, I have to go to my, umm…meeting," he said while sitting in bed next to her. "I didn't want to leave before wishing you a happy twenty-ninth-plus-one birthday."

Aislynn threw her head back in laughter. "See, this is why I love you!" She basked in the feeling of being able to say those words openly and without reservations. "Thank you so much for the birthday wishes but you're lying. Where are you really going?"

"I'm not lying," Jace said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yes, you are. You don't wear jeans to work, you hesitated when you said the word 'meeting,' you're forcing yourself to look me straight in the eyes, and you're blushing. All of that put together means lie!" she said, amused.

"That's really annoying. No coffee for you!" he said, getting up from the bed and walking toward the bedroom door.

"Oh, come on! Tell me what you're up to!" she yelled as he left the room. She waited a few seconds and then heard the coffee grinder going in the kitchen.

He's making me coffee. God, I love him.

After brushing her teeth and getting dressed, Aislynn walked over to the kitchen and found Jace working on his laptop on the kitchen island. A steaming mug of coffee was waiting for her next to his. She walked behind him and wound her arms around his neck.

"Are you going to let me surprise you and not ask me where I'm going?" Jace asked, turning to put his arms around her waist and pull her to him.

"This is about my birthday?"

"Yes. And I remember you said you hate surprises, but I really think you'll like this one."

"The only thing I really want for my birthday is to be with you...and for my mom to have a personality transplant, and not find a way to ruin my day. Oh! Is that what you're getting me?" Aislynn joked.

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