Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,76

with me.

"Mom, you look tired. Do you want to crash here instead of going back to the hotel?" Aislynn asked as they finished cleaning up the kitchen after dinner.

Ellie and Evan were watching a movie in the living room, and Jace had left earlier explaining he had an early meeting the next day, although she suspected he just wanted to give her some time alone with Pam.

"I think it's the time difference. It's actually two hours later for me. Would you mind driving me back to the hotel now? I have an early morning appointment at the spa that I don't want to miss," Pam said.

"Sure, let's go. I'll finish this up later."

Aislynn felt a nervous energy creep up into her chest as she got her car keys and walked with Pam to her car. She could feel the anxiety and the anticipation bubbling in her chest, rendering her lungs unable to expand to their full capacity. She couldn't understand where and why this feeling was coming from at first, but it became clear as soon as she found herself locked in the car with her mom.

It's me and her now. No escape.

Aislynn waited for it…and waited some more. She expected the subject of Jace to be the one thing Pam would focus on, so she spent her time running through worst case scenarios in her head and lining up quick comebacks for whatever curveball Pam was getting ready to throw at her. But once again, her efforts were unnecessary. After a few minutes of utter silence, Aislynn looked over and realized that Pam had fallen asleep. Her head was resting against the window and a soft snore escaped her lips.

Aislynn finally felt the oxygen fill her lungs and her muscles relax. She put on some soft music and let her mind wander to her favorite person to think about these days, the person she had been so sure Pam was getting ready to rip apart.

My Jace.

Jace walked out of the bathroom after a long, hot shower and put on his pajama bottoms. He worked in his home office for about an hour, and got together some of the things he needed for his meeting the following morning. He had lied to Aislynn and told her it was a business meeting, when it fact it had to do with her birthday.

That girl has a wicked sense of perception. Sherlock has nothing on her.

He poured himself a drink, feeling satisfied with what he had been able to arrange, and then headed to bed. He tried to watch some TV, but all he could think about was Aislynn. She had been really tense on and off throughout dinner, although her mom had been perfectly pleasant and non-confrontational. Pam had even asked him to join them for dinner to celebrate Aislynn's birthday, and had graciously accepted his offer to make them reservations at one of his favorite restaurants.

He had finally started falling asleep when he heard his phone chirp with a text from Aislynn.

Hey, are u still up?

Yeah, in bed already, but still awake. How are things going?

OK. I just dropped my mom off at her hotel.

Things seemed to go well with her tonight…right?


There's something off.

Are you sure you're OK?

She didn't respond right away, and he could almost picture her hesitating and struggling with how much to say. She'd probably typed a few responses and then erased them.

Yeah. I can't sleep. Have a lot on my mind.

He couldn't exactly explain what made him do it, but he suddenly felt and urge to get up from bed and walk out into his living room. He was surprised to find Aislynn sitting on the steps of the deck, her back facing the house. He smiled to himself and watched her for a moment, mesmerized by how beautiful she looked as the wind made lose strands of her hair dance around her face. The soft light of the moon made her almost glow.

Then come inside and into bed with me.

Aislynn read his text and immediately turned around. Her eyes locked with his, and a shy smile spread across her lips. Jace walked out to the deck and held his hand out to help her up.

"I'm sorry. My car just sort of drove itself here," she said.

"Why are you out here all by yourself? You still have a key."

"I wasn't sure if you were up, and I didn't want to wake you."

"I really love your car for bringing you to me," he said and pulled her to Copyright 2016 - 2024