Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,57

Amy is a healthy eleven-year-old girl who enjoys school and can't wait to be a teenager. With the help they received, Elizabeth and her husband were able to dedicate all their energy and effort into caring for Amy and their other kids, without having to worry so much about their financial situation."

"This family is just one of many that face this problem every day," Nina continued. "This organization was created on behalf of my son and to benefit families like Elizabeth's. Your presence here tonight helps tremendously, but I encourage everyone to give as much as you can." Nina searched through the audience and locked eyes with Jace, as a soft smile spread across her lips and tears sprung to her eyes. "And when you go home tonight, remember to kiss and hug your loved ones, because every single day counts."

Everyone clapped and cheered, but Aislynn had no time for that. She impulsively put her hands around Jace's neck and kissed him. She didn't care about the people around her; she didn't care that she was being so emotional in front of his family and friends. She needed to feel him, touch him, hug him, and convince herself that he was fine.

"I'm okay, babydoc. I'm here. Please, don't cry," Jace said, wiping her tears away, and kissing her over and over, not letting go of her until she did. Aislynn hadn't even realized she had been crying.

"Damn it, Mom gets me every time with that speech," she heard Alex, Mr. Tough Guy, say. He didn't even try to hide the fact that he was wiping his eyes with his napkin as he stood up and left the table.

"I'm sorry…I'm sorry," she whispered to Jace, who smiled sweetly at her.

She felt Ellie nudge her under the table and grab her hand. "Are you okay?" she asked softly in Aislynn’s ear.

She warned me about this. She said it would be hard.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said and turned to Jace. "I'm going to the restroom to get myself back together. I'll be right back."

"Do you want me to go with you?" they both asked in unison, clearly worried, but for two very different reasons.

"No, I'll be fine. Thanks, though."

The energy in the room picked back up as the music played, and the waiters lined up to serve their first course.

As Aislynn made her way to the restroom, she spotted Tessa talking to Alex in the back of the room. She looked upset, and it was obvious that Alex was trying to calm her down. Evan then joined them, and they all scanned the room for something…or someone. Whatever was going on, they didn't look happy to be dealing with it.

She took some time in the restroom to freshen up her makeup and collect herself. She was really surprised by how overwhelmed with emotion she'd become. Elizabeth's story had been incredibly moving, but it was the thought of losing Jace that had made her lose her composure. And now that she had shared with him more details about her past, it was even harder to imagine not having him in her life. The mere thought petrified her.

Aislynn left the restroom feeling calmer, but as soon as she opened the door, she ran into trouble. Tessa was in the hallway outside of the restroom arguing with a tall, beautiful, dark-haired woman dressed as Rene Russo's character in The Thomas Crown Affair.

"Why the hell are you here?" Tessa asked the woman. Her tone was harsh and accusatory, her voice brittle as ice. She had both hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

"Listen, I know you're mad at me, and you have plenty of reasons to be upset, but I'm not here to explain myself to you. I'm here to talk to Jace," the woman said. Her face was pained and her eyes looked apologetic.

"Of all the places and the times you could've chosen to do this, you pick this one! Are you out of your freaking mind?" Tessa demanded.

Aislynn quietly stood by the bathroom door, trying to figure out what was going on. Her sharpened instincts kicked in immediately and helped her put two and two together. This puzzle wasn't that hard to figure out, really. for Jace...this must be—

"Chloe?" Jace asked with a trembling voice, suddenly appearing in the hallway to her left.

It's her, Aislynn thought, as a sharp pain stabbed her in the chest.

"Jace," Chloe said, letting out a deep sigh. "I need to talk to you."

"What are you doing here?" Copyright 2016 - 2024