Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,43

couple of hours when she looked up and into the house through the window. She found Jace sitting on the couch, leaning forward, both hands hiding his face. She raced into the house in a panic and knelt in front of him.

"Jace, what's wrong?"

He looked up at her, his face pale. "That was the doctor."

"That call came faster than we expected. So what did he say?" she asked softly and waited for what felt like an eternity.

Aislynn had been able to keep her cool since Jace had told her about the lymphoma, but everyone has a limit and she had certainly reached hers. She was expecting to have a breakdown any second, and having to wait this long for his answer was not helping.

"I'm fine. Everything came back okay," he finally whispered, clearly in shock.

"Oh my God!" Aislynn screamed, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him. She couldn't control the tears that overflowed. She kept planting kisses on the side of his face and neck, trying to convince her brain it had heard right.

He's fine. He's going to stay with me. He's healthy!

"I'm fine," he repeated again and again, and Aislynn hugged him tighter, not wanting to let go of him even for a second. She somehow ended up sitting on his lap, tears staining the collar of his shirt.

"Don't cry, babydoc. Don't cry," he said, soothing her.

"I’m sorry," she said, sniffing. "Damn it, you're not supposed to be consoling me. I'm supposed to be comforting you."

"We're both fine. We're going to be fine." Jace held her face in his hands, kissing her softly at first, but allowing things to escalate quickly.

They tasted each other's mouths and Aislynn became overwhelmed with an overpowering need to have him, to become part of him. She could tell his need was also becoming uncontrollable, as his hands explored her body with a want she hadn't felt before.

"Jace…" Aislynn said with a moan.

"Don't tell me to stop. Please…I need you," he said, out of breath. He kissed down her neck, moving his hands down her back, and then to her ass. "I need to feel you. All of you…"

"God, I want you…" she whispered and moved to straddle him. Jace pulled her shirt up over her head, and she felt him get harder as more of her skin was revealed.

"You're so beautiful…Flawless," he said, letting his hands wander up to her breasts.

Aislynn rocked her hips against him, feeling the pleasure navigate from between her legs to the pit of her stomach. She then reached for his shirt and pulled it off him, allowing her hands to touch him everywhere and scratching her nails all over his chest and back, just like she had been fantasizing about doing for so long.

Jace pulled the pin out of her hair, letting it cascade down her back. He kissed her chest, slowly tracing the contour of her breasts with his fingers and letting their weight rest on his palms. He pulled one of the cups of her black bra down to expose her breast and stared at it with the reverence and need of a parched man standing in front of a water mirage.

He finally took her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it, making Aislynn gasp in delight. He was gentle at first, but slowly added more pressure, reaching that point between it being painful and insanely pleasurable. He alternated between gentle and rough sucking, and it drove Aislynn wild.

"Oh…" Aislynn said and pulled his hair hard, feeling like she was losing control. She could feel her inner walls spasm every time he sucked hard on her nipple. It was one of the most mind-blowing things she had ever felt in her life.

Is it possible to come from this?

"Let's find out," he responded.

Aislynn was too far gone to even be embarrassed about her slip up. She continued to push herself hard against him and felt the pressure build in her center. Her hands found their way to the button of his pants and pulled them open in a swift motion.

Jace hissed and grabbed her roughly by her thighs. He stood up, her legs holding her body up around his waist, the friction against him never ceasing. Jace walked around the sofa, moving in the direction of his room, while his tongue moved from her mouth, to her neck, and back up to her mouth.

He put her down on her feet and pinned her against the wall in the hallway. But just as Aislynn put Copyright 2016 - 2024