Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,40

is really going to affect her." Aislynn walked into the room at that precise moment, officially ending their private conversation.

"I'm starving. Let's go somewhere that serves grits," Evan said enthusiastically.

"What's grits?" Jace and Ellie asked in unison.

"It's a southern thing," Aislynn explained. "Oh, oh, oh! Can I drive?" she asked with a huge smile, extending her hand to Jace.

"All right. Let's go, Danica Patrick," he said, letting the car key fall into her hand.

"That looks really disgusting," Jace said, pointing to Evan's plate of grits.

"I told you guys, it's a southern thing," Aislynn explained as Evan swirled the butter into the grits, a huge smile on his face.

"How come you're not eating it, then?" Ellie asked as Evan hummed away next to her.

"'Cause I have good taste in food. Pass the syrup?"

Aislynn was definitely having a good day, a day like she hadn't had in a while. She felt content and enthusiastic about how things had worked out with Jace. She was obviously not happy about the news of his cancer, but she had awakened with confidence that he was going to be okay.

Even though she had gotten spooked in the beginning, their relationship had now progressed to a level she felt at peace with and was actually excited about. Being with him felt like getting wrapped up in a fluffy blanket right out of the dryer on a freezing winter day. When the heat first embraced her, it made the tip of her fingers sting and burn. Then the warmth radiated all over her body and became comforting, making her wish she could've stayed wrapped up in it—in him—forever.

Ellie had been pretty upset about the way he had treated Aislynn at the party, and had come home earlier that morning professing her vow to thoroughly kick his ass the next time she saw him. This drove Aislynn to openly share with her the details she had learned about Jace’s story. The last thing she needed was her best friend and the man she was…involved with…not getting along. Ellie has been receptive to the explanation, but she had also felt the need to confront Aislynn.

"Aislynn, this is big. How do you feel about it? I mean, he had cancer, and it could come back," Ellie had said.

"I realize that, but I think he'll be fine. And worst case scenario, if he's not, then I can handle that, too. I'm a doctor. I'm trained to deal with stuff like this."

"It's different when it's someone you're emotionally involved with, and you know it," Ellie had said with guarded eyes. "You've been through so much. I just don't want to see you hurting again."

"I won't leave him." Aislynn looked up at Jace, coming back to the present time, and admired how handsome he was and how healthy he looked.

"What are you smiling about? It is the pancakes or is it me?" Jace asked playfully, putting his arm around her shoulders and kissing her sweetly on the lips.

"Sorry for the delay, guys. Here are your coffees," the waitress interrupted, handing them each a cup. The restaurant was known for their gourmet coffee and carrying a large collection of coffee mugs from all over the world. They had all sorts of designs, quotes, and logos printed on them.

They all cracked up at Ellie's mug, which read, "Rise? If I must. Shine? Not happening." Evan's cup said, "Make coffee, not war." Jace's mug was thought provoking, as it read, "Worrying is like praying for what you don't want."

"'Love is hard, so learn to love harder,'" Aislynn said, reading the quote on her mug out loud. "Love isn't hard. 'Life makes love look hard,'" she added under her breath, thinking no one would hear her.

"Did you just quote a country song?" Ellie said, mocking her.

"Shut up. Taylor Swift is a lyrical genius. Do not hate!" Aislynn said, pointing her fork at Ellie, and making Evan choke on his grits. "'You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter'? Admit it, it's brilliant!" Aislynn added, quoting one of her favorite lines.

"Will you sing me a country song so I can hear your twang?" Jace whispered seductively in her ear.

"Maybe later, cowboy."

Tuesday came around way too fast. Jace's good mood from the last two days had quickly disappeared once reality had set back in. He had been really nervous, could hardly eat, couldn't sleep, and couldn't concentrate at work. On the other hand, Aislynn had remained calm and collected. She realized she had to provide the constancy and Copyright 2016 - 2024