Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,4

you give me an hour."

Six hundred dollars? I wonder if I should be insulted or flattered.

"Is everything okay here?" one of the men behind the bar asked while eyeing the wannabe John threateningly.

"Are you the owner?" Aislynn asked.

He was tall and obviously handsome, sharply dressed in a tailored black dress shirt and pants, his hazel eyes turning soft when she addressed him.

What is it with all these GQ-looking men I keep running into today? Not that I’m complaining, but…

"Yes, ma'am. My name is Evan Langley. How can I help you?"

"Well, this gentleman here just offered me six hundred dollars to sleep with him, and—"

"Six hundred? Really? Huh, impressive," he mumbled.

"I know, right? I thought so, too…But anyway, that's not the point. I am not a prostitute—"

"Are you sure?" the drunken man asked.

"As sure as I am that I will never wear this outfit again," Aislynn said and turned back to Evan. "Mr. Langley, I assure you I didn't request the attention of this man."

"My apologies for the misunderstanding, ma’am. And please, call me Evan," he said and signaled for the bartender to call a cab and escort the man out. "Sir, it's time for you to go, and I recommend you never come back. This is clearly not that kind of establishment."

Evan turned his attention back to Aislynn, who was now slouching down with her head on the bar, feeling absolutely frustrated and deflated. "Do I really look like a hooker?"

"You absolutely do not. You’re a beautiful and elegant woman."

"Thanks, Evan," she said, picking herself back up. "I guess the fact his offer was in the three digits should make me feel infinitesimally better."

"I can see you’re a glass-half-full kind of woman. Speaking of which, do you need another drink? Can I reserve a table for you and your party, ma’am?"

Aislynn took a deep calming breath and made a mental note of Evan’s mild yet familiar accent. "Yes and yes. And please, it's Aislynn. Or I guess you can call me Vivian, the prostitute with a heart of gold."

"All right then, Aislynn it is," Evan chuckled.

"I'm going to step into the restroom. Watch my corner?"

Aislynn should have anticipated it. She should have known it would happen again. As soon as she walked out of the restroom, she once again ran right into the arms of the one and only Jace Quinn. Life had apparently decided to make this a landmark day for her.

"Quit stalking me," Aislynn quipped, not realizing she was still holding on to his biceps and softly running her fingers over the fabric of his jacket.

"You're the one who keeps running into my arms," he said with a playful smile, not exactly rushing to step away from her.

"You were the one that walked into my apartment in the first place."

"All right, babydoll…"

"Hey! Don't call me that!" Aislynn said, holding up her hand. "I embarrass easily, and I've fulfilled my quota for the day."

"Fair enough. But if you don't want me to call you babydoll, then you're going to have to tell me your name, because apparently we are destined to run into each other from now on."

"Oh. Right. Name," Aislynn said, realizing she had left the apartment without a proper introduction. Making a mental effort to forego the title she traditionally used when meeting certain people, she raised her hand and shook his gently. "I’m Aislynn Currington."

"Nice to meet you again, Aislynn."

"Likewise," she said, getting lost in the vision of his lips once again. "All right, then. Back to my table. I'm actually meeting Ellie for drinks."

"Well, you ladies enjoy your evening. Let me know if I can get you anything from the bar or the kitchen."

"Sure, thanks." Aislynn turned to leave but stopped abruptly, his word finally sinking in. "Wait. What do you mean 'get us anything'?"

"Well, I own the place."

"Did you know that Jace Quinn is part-owner of this place?" Aislynn asked Ellie once they sat at their table.

"I knew he owned a wine bar, but I didn't know it was this one. What a coincidence," Ellie said and sipped her drink. "Oh, this is good."

"I just ran into him. Again."

"So…What do you think of him?" Ellie asked.

"I don't."

Ellie stared at her, confused and slightly aggravated. "Come on, Aislynn. You can at least admit he's gorgeous."

"He's really handsome, sure." Aislynn could tell Ellie had more to say but was holding back. "What is it now?"

"I'm sorry if this is the wrong thing to say," Ellie said and paused. "But maybe you should think about asking him Copyright 2016 - 2024