Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,31

geek. By the way, I can't believe you have a Speedster. This coffee machine costs like eight thousand dollars. Your taste in toys is quite extravagant, Mr. Quinn," Aislynn said as she steamed the milk to a frothy perfection.

Despite her teasing words, Jace could tell from her stiff posture and furrowed brow that she was still upset. He purposefully took the steaming pitcher from her hand and set it down next to the machine. Grabbing her by her arms, he pulled her to his chest, feeling the tension that emanated from her body. He held her until she started to relax, feeling satisfied when he felt her wrap her arms around his neck and hug him tightly.

"Whoever that was on the phone out there, whatever has you upset, please know I'm here," Jace said after picking Aislynn up and sitting her on the kitchen island.

She burrowed her face in his neck and took deep steady breaths. "I'm sorry. She just gets to me. She knows how to push my buttons, and it kills me that, after all this time, I still react to her crap."

"Your mom?" he asked softly, and Aislynn nodded. "She's that bad, huh?"

"Let’s just say she killed the high I had going from the awesome time we had last night. I will never forgive her for that," she joked, but then turned gloomy again. "Thank you for this. I know people say it a lot, but you really have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you for giving me your support, even without knowing what it's for."

"I don't care what it is. I just want to see you happy," he said, and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "I know something else that will make you happy."

"What is that?"

There are actually two things. One of them involves our naked bodies on top of this kitchen island.

Jace nervously cleared his throat before answering. "Breakfast. Let me feed you."

"All right," Aislynn said after taking a deep sigh. "I guess that would help, too."

"Too?" he asked, intrigued and hopeful.

"Hi there, girlie. I haven't seen you do the walk of shame in like…well, ever," Ellie said as Aislynn walked into the apartment.

"Funny, ha ha."

"Sleeping with the guy after the fifth date? You tramp," Ellie said playfully.

"The first three were non-dates, so they don't count. And not that it's any of your business, but I haven't slept with him yet. Which reminds me—you know whose business it isn't either? My mom's. How the hell does she know about Jace?" she said, the tone of her voice now higher by several octaves.

"You called her? I told you to call me first!"

"What happened, Ellie?"

"Okay, but promise not to kill Evan. I still haven't slept with him either, and I really want to."

Ellie went on to explain how she and Evan have the exact same phone with the same ringer. While Ellie was in the bathroom, Evan picked up a call from Pam thinking it was his phone. She introduced herself, and somehow manipulated him into revealing that Aislynn was out on a date. "How bad was it when you talked to her?"

"She even brought up Christopher. It was very special," Aislynn said with full-on sarcasm.

"What's her deal? She's really starting to piss me off."

"I have no clue. The woman has zero insight into how the things she says hurt me. I've tried everything over the years to get her to understand that fact, but it always backfires."

"How's it possible she doesn't see it? Do you really think she's that dense?"

"I guess in a way I'd rather think that than consider she's doing it on purpose." They sat in silence for a few moments, before she continued. "So, where's Evan today?"

"Why?" Ellie asked suspiciously.

"Because I need to go kick his cute Rangers’ loving ass."

"It is a cute ass. Please keep your hands off it."

"You haven't slept with him yet? Really?" Aislynn asked, obviously surprised.

"Okay, now you're just making me sound a little slutty."

The following week was pretty hectic for everyone. Ellie had a new design project going on and was busy planning Jace's housewarming party. Jace didn't travel, but he was attending meetings all over town. Evan was working long hours at the bar and spending as much time as he could with Ellie.

Aislynn went on a writing frenzy to make the deadline for an upcoming meeting with Lana. The argument with her mom had allowed her to get into the frame of mind she needed to work on some Copyright 2016 - 2024