Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,28

said, after coming up for a breath.

"Sex lips?" he asked, moving one hand up to touch the side of her breast while the other ran up her thigh.

"Oh, I like that too…" she whispered. It was getting hard to speak in coherent sentences. "Sex lips." Thrust. "You have them." Thrust and circling of hips. "Google it." Their movements increased in intensity with each passing second, and their breathing became labored.

"Just tell me when to stop, because I won't be able to," he said as his hands explored her backside and moved up under her shirt.

Aislynn was getting ready to give her answer when the doorbell rang, making them both sigh in frustration.

"It's probably the pizza," Aislynn said, collapsing into him and trying to slow down her breathing.

"I'm never ordering pizza again. The experience has been forever ruined," he said as he let Aislynn crawl off and into the seat next to him. He tried to stand up to go get the door, but Aislynn grabbed his hand to stop him.

"I know we both feel like killing the delivery guy for his impeccable timing, but maybe we shouldn't traumatize the poor boy," she said, motioning down to his crotch, where his erection was clearly visible. "Stay. I'll get it."

"Okay," he said, trying to adjust himself in his pants.

"So, tell me about this whole sex lips thing. I’m very curious," Jace said with a wicked smile as Aislynn set the pizza box and the drinks down on the coffee table.

"Okay, let me show you," Aislynn said as reached for her phone and typed the phrase on the search engine. "See that guy?" she asked, pointing at the screen. "Sex lips. Just like you."

"Huh…I don’t know how I feel about the fact the Rolling Stones logo is the next picture on that list."

"Pick that fight with Google, not me."

"So you looked me up after we met, huh?" he teased while pulling her into his lap.

"No. I searched for your lips, not you."

"Oh come on, don't ruin my dream. Now, admit that I left such an impression on you that you couldn't help but look me up online the first time you met me. That'll be a great story we can tell our—" Jace abruptly stopped talking, realizing what he had almost said and feeling utterly mortified.

Aislynn froze midway through grabbing her drink from the table and looked at him. It was definitely the only time, apart from the half-naked first meeting in her kitchen, when things had felt awkward between them.

"Okay. So we can try to ignore this and make it even more awkward, or we can laugh about it and take it for what it is," Aislynn said casually after a few seconds. "You were going to say that this would be a great story we could tell our children. And that's fine. You never know, we might end up together. And if we do, then yeah, this would be a great story to tell our kids. And now we can add the part about how we freaked out when you said it, and they'll laugh at our expense."

Jace took a deep breath and held her face in his hands. "You are an amazing woman, Aislynn Currington."

"I don't know about that," she said, looking down and feeling a bit embarrassed by the compliment.

"Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." Jace moved closer to kiss her when her phone rang, and she sighed in frustration when she peaked at the name on the screen.

"Speak of the devil," she said, pressing the ignore button and looking up to see Jace's confused expression. "It's my mom. Don't worry about it. Let's eat."

They set up the movie and ate in comfortable silence, Aislynn on the sofa and Jace on the floor between her legs. He insisted on watching Star Wars after she casually mentioned she hadn't seen any of the movies before. He almost passed out in horror, and then made her commit to watching all six of them.

"And we're watching them in the order of theatrical release," he said with conviction.

"As opposed to what?" she asked, obviously clueless.

"The chronological order of the episodes."

"I don't get it."

"Get it you will. Worry you don't," he said in a weird voice.

"Are you possessed?" Aislynn asked, making Jace throw back his head in laughter. "Did you just develop a speech impediment? Oh my God! Are you having a stroke? Is that why you can't talk right?"

"Yoda is going to be so pissed. May the force protect you, because he Copyright 2016 - 2024