Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,18

a tear threatening to spill over. "I still struggle, you know? I'm still not all better," she said, thinking about Christopher and how much seeing him at the hotel had affected her. She really wished she had better control of herself and her emotions whenever he was near.

"You're the only one who expects that from yourself. A lot happened, and it's going to take time to heal." Ellie hugged her tightly. "Are you gonna let yourself get excited about the date?"

"I already am," Aislynn said with a smile and then gasped. "What the hell am I going to wear?" she asked in a panic.

"You're lucky I didn't get enough dolls when I was growing up. Come on, Freud. I'll help you."

"I'm not sleeping with him on the first date, Ellie," Aislynn said while staring at the lingerie Ellie had chosen for her to wear.

"First of all, you never know. Anything can happen. Second, lingerie is not just for the audience. It's for the performer. It will make you feel confident and sexy to know you’re wearing killer underwear under that dress. It's a mental thing. You're supposed to be the shrink. Must I teach you everything?"

After caving in and getting dressed, Aislynn looked at herself in the mirror for a long while. Her dress was light pink, almost nude, in color. It had a deep V-neck and lots of soft ruffles in the skirt, making her look delicate and sophisticated. Underneath, the soft white lace of her bra and panties made her feel bold. Damn it, she’s right.

"Okay, you're right. Now, hair," Aislynn said.

"Up or down?" Ellie asked with hesitation.

The decision carried immense significance for Aislynn. She hadn't worn her hair down much in months. It was like a defense mechanism for her. There was truth to the saying that "letting your hair down" was an expression of freedom.

"Down. I'm wearing it down," Aislynn said with a soft smile and contemplative eyes.

"Best. Decision. Ever."

"It's not prom. Go away!" Aislynn wailed as Ellie tried to take a picture of her with her phone once they were done.

"If you end up dating Jace seriously, you will want a memory from your first date in the future," Ellie argued.

"You and your happily ever after fairytale crap," Aislynn shot back.

Ellie left the apartment with a laugh, and Aislynn became eerily calm. This was her first date since Christopher, and she felt at ease as she reminded herself that she was taking a step in the right direction.

"Damn, he looks gorgeous in all black," Aislynn murmured after opening the door and taking her first look at Jace, who was dressed in slacks and a button down dress shirt, no tie.

"Thanks, you look amazing too," Jace said with a huge grin.

"You're bluffing. I did not just say anything out loud."

"Guess you'll never know," he quipped and then stopped to take a really long look at her.

Wow. She’s radiant.

"Jace?" Aislynn asked after a few seconds, trying to call for his attention.

"Uh…um…sorry. It's just that you just went all Rapunzel on me, and I got a bit distracted," he said, reaching for a waist-length strand of wavy golden brown hair that softly framed her face. "You really do look beautiful. Please, don't ever wear your hair up again."

"I can't promise that, but your request will be seriously considered," she said with a smile.

"Can you humor me with something else then?" Jace said, and Aislynn nodded. "Let's have a reverse date."

"A reverse date? Please, enlighten me."

"In a reverse date, we start with a good night kiss," he said, wrapping his arm around her waist and bringing his face close to hers. "Then we have coffee and dessert, and then we go to dinner."

"I can see you don’t believe in delayed gratification," Aislynn said, her voice wavering.

"I can wait for a lot of things, but I don't want to wait to kiss you."

Aislynn put her hands around his neck as he searched for her lips. The kiss was soft at first, then it turned urgent, and then it slowed. It was perfect. They lingered there, holding each other, Jace caressing the softness of her cheek with the tip of his nose.

God, I want more of her. I want all of her.

"I like the way you think, Mr. Quinn." For a split second, he wondered if she'd read his mind, but then she continued. "In the wise words of our friend Ellie, I think a reverse date is the 'Best. Decision. Ever.'"

"Glad you think so, Dr. Currington," he said, stepping back Copyright 2016 - 2024