Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,83

around it and pulled it to the ground, holding it in place tightly before once again taking on the appearance of a harmless patch of flowers.

“I see what you mean,” Isabel said. “What happens to its victims?”

“The vines are covered with tiny barbs that secrete a potent poison. First it paralyzes, then it causes rapid decomposition. A person caught by the grapple vine dies within a day and their body is often completely gone within a few weeks. It dissolves into the soil and feeds the plant,” Ayela said.

“That’s terrifying,” Isabel said, appraising the bright red flowers. They were beautiful and alluring, the kind of thing she might put in her hair on a warm spring day … in another life, anyway.

“I’m glad you’re with me, Ayela,” Isabel said. “I would have walked right into them.”

Ayela smiled, motioning to a safe route around the deadly jungle flora.

Isabel spotted Hector and Horace through Slyder’s eyes and adjusted course to rendezvous with them. Within the hour they approached the well-hidden brothers.

“Hector, Horace, it’s Isabel,” she said softly.

They both seemed to materialize out of the jungle.

“Lady Reishi, you’re a welcome sight,” Hector said.

“Lord Reishi was most distraught when he discovered your absence,” Horace said.

“I imagine,” Isabel said. “This is Ayela Karth. She helped me escape—protect her as you would me.”

Both Hector and Horace bowed formally to Ayela. She flushed slightly and seemed a bit flustered at their deference.

Shadowfang slipped between the brush and into the little clearing. Ayela nearly screamed, slapping a hand over her mouth. Hector and Horace drew swords as one, positioning themselves between the cat and their charges.

“Stop,” Isabel said, moving between them and scratching the jaguar affectionately under the jaw.

“This is Shadowfang … he’s my friend,” she said. “He won’t hurt any of you and he should keep some of the other predators away from us while we travel.”

“The jaguar is my house crest,” Ayela said. “They’re revered as well as feared. How can this be?”

Isabel shrugged. “Magic.”

“Forgive me,” Ayela said. “For so long, magic has been forbidden to the people of Karth. We’ve always believed it to be evil, so this is difficult for me. I saw how the Sin’Rath witch killed so many so horribly with her spells and then watched you dispatch four soldiers with almost casual ease. I was coming to think that witchcraft is only good for killing, and then you presented Shadowfang. He’s so beautiful and regal, I’m finding it hard to reconcile everything I’ve been taught all my life with the things I’m seeing.”

“The things you’ve been taught about magic are mostly lies,” Isabel said. “The Sin’Rath have controlled this entire isle, both your family and the Regency, for centuries. They’re the ones who forbade magic, and they did it to protect their power over your family and the Regency leadership.”

“But we’ve been at war with the Regency for so long,” Ayela said. “Why would the Sin’Rath want to perpetuate such suffering?”

“You saw the one that died in the entry chamber,” Isabel said. “They’re not human … they’re monsters. As for their motives, I couldn’t tell you, except to say they’re totally insane.”

Ayela was silent for several moments, staring at Shadowfang through teary eyes. “Do you really think the Goiri’s bones can help us kill them?” she asked.

“I do,” Isabel said, “and maybe much, much more. What we do here might be the most important thing anyone does for a very long time.”

Ayela nodded, sniffing back her tears. “Will you teach me how to fight?”

“I will,” Isabel said, “but not here. We need distance from the enemy.”

“Lord Reishi said we should head due east for several days,” Hector said. “The jungle is thick, but it will keep us out of the swamp for as long as possible.”

“That’s wise,” Ayela said. “The gloaming swamp is feared by all on Karth, and for good reason. Few who venture into its waters ever return.”

Alexander appeared again.

“You better get moving,” he said. “It looks like Phane has some means of communicating with his people, because they suddenly sent out a search party looking for you.”

“How many?” Isabel asked.

“Twenty soldiers and a wraithkin,” Alexander said.

“What’s a wraithkin?” Ayela asked.

“Remember the man who vanished and then reappeared right in front of the witch?” Isabel asked. “The one who killed her?”

Ayela nodded.

“He was a wraithkin,” Isabel said. “He can teleport short distances and heal every time he does. They’re very hard to kill.”

“How far behind us, Lord Reishi?” Hector asked.

“Not far enough,” Alexander said. “Maybe an hour. Get moving. Copyright 2016 - 2024