Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,78

her mind, Lacy wondered at the timing. How could Drogan know to look for friendly vessels amid such chaos?

Then she saw the dragon. It flew over the ship, the man riding the beast looking down intensely, locking eyes with her for only a moment before banking hard and circling back over the attacking ship, shouting something that she couldn’t make out over the wind.

A man standing on the foredeck of the nearest attacking ship signaled to the dragon and it started to gain altitude, wheeling at the apex of its climb and diving toward her ship, clearly intent on an attack.

What happened next defied reason. A man aboard her ship ran for the railing toward the inbound dragon and leapt off the side of the boat. She stared in disbelief as he transformed into a dragon … a real dragon.

In that moment she knew that the thing headed toward her ship, the creature that she believed was a dragon—was not, could not be a true dragon because the terrible and magnificent creature rising to meet it was easily twice its size and seemed to radiate power.

The man riding the smaller creature pulled hard on his reins, trying to avoid the dragon coming for him, but he was too late—already committed to his attack, he was unable to change course quickly enough. The true dragon flared its wings, bringing its hind legs up and raking the belly of the other creature, flipping it over and casting it into the ocean with a roar that seemed to still the air and freeze in place the men fighting for their lives—alerting everyone that the situation had just changed in a very fundamental way.

The dragon banked hard, breathing fire onto the ship holding anchor at the port side, setting man and timber alike aflame in a whoosh.

The ships holding aft and starboard raised anchors and turned away from the engagement while the boarding ship sounded horns, signaling a retreat … but it was too late. The green dragon circled, calmly and gracefully breathing fire on the aft ship, setting it ablaze in an instant. Men leapt into the ocean to avoid the conflagration, but too few and some too late, dousing their flaming clothes in the ocean.

As Lacy stood mesmerized by the unimaginable battle taking place, two men from the Reishi Protectorate approached with weapons drawn.

“Princess Lacy, please … come with us,” the first said.

“There isn’t much time,” the other said.

Drogan threw a knife, burying it to the hilt in the throat of the first man.

The second man raised his sword and engaged, stabbing into Drogan quickly, but not quickly enough. Drogan shifted his weight, turning his body sideways, just barely avoiding the blade, then grabbed the man by the back of the neck and threw him overboard with one powerful heave.

The dragon set the third of the retreating ships alight as the boarding party scrambled to return to their ship.

Lacy was thrown to the deck when the entire ship rocked violently and then righted itself again. She scrambled to her feet and saw that one of the two Regency Navy ships had rammed them, crushing in the side of Zuhl’s ship and allowing soldiers to pour aboard.

The dragon roared again, drawing her attention away from the new flood of soldiers. She looked up to see another dragon, this one silver and regal, crash into the green dragon and drive him underwater before he could attack the last remaining vessel of the four that had first initiated the attack against Zuhl’s ship.

The barbarians that had strutted about with such overstated confidence were now fighting with desperation against men from the Regency. Drogan guided Lacy toward the soldiers as he shouted at them. A man with the insignia of an officer saw them and directed his troops toward them. A few moments later they were being escorted aboard the ramming ship and then from there to the other vessel that had drawn up alongside.

Lacy watched the entangled ships still fighting while the Regency ship she’d boarded turned away. In the distance, she almost thought she saw the Ithilian flag flying over the ship that had started the fight.

“I’m Commander Arnd of the Regency Navy. Welcome aboard, Princess Lacy.”

“I don’t understand what just happened.”

“We rescued you from Zuhl,” Commander Arnd said.

“But who were those other ships?” Lacy asked.

“Reishi Protectorate,” Drogan said, before Commander Arnd could answer.

“And what about the dragons?” Lacy asked.

Drogan shrugged.

“We have no knowledge of them.” Commander Arnd said. “Might I suggest a meal Copyright 2016 - 2024