Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,51

tied to the scabbard to prevent it from being drawn. “I’ve got her bow, too. It’s under the bed.”

“Good man. Get well,” Alexander said before vanishing.

He went to Cassandra next, materializing on the plateau of the fortress island and sending a gardener to retrieve the triumvir. She arrived, a bit perplexed and wary but willing to hear him out nonetheless. Once he explained the situation, she donned the mantle of leader and began preparing her coven for the spell casting.

Bianca had her people saddling wyverns for all of her witches before Alexander vanished into the firmament again.

Constance was in a command tent attending a war council with the senior staff of Alexander’s Ruathan army in Buckwold. He appeared behind an empty chair at the table and waited for the room to fall silent.

“Hi, Dad,” he said.

“Alexander? How?” Duncan asked.

“I just figured out how to do this today,” Alexander said. “It’s good to see you.”

“You as well, Son,” Duncan said. “I’m assuming you’re not really here.”

“No, I’m on Tyr,” Alexander said. He spent several minutes explaining the situation they faced, Isabel’s predicament and Abigail’s abduction. Duncan took the news stoically, but Alexander could see the deep distress in his colors at the news that his only daughter was being held by the enemy.

“Do you have a plan to get your wife and sister back?” Duncan asked.

“I have a plan for Abigail,” Alexander said. “It’s risky, but it has a good chance of working, and it may deal a serious blow to Zuhl if it does. As for Isabel, Magda has called all of the witches back to the coven to dispel the doppelganger spell before Phane discovers the Sin’Rath’s ruse and inadvertently kills Isabel.”

“I’ll gather the witches under my command and depart immediately,” Constance said. “Unfortunately, I have a witch in Kai’Gorn and another in Southport.”

“I’ll go there next and deliver their orders,” Alexander said. “How are things here?”

Duncan sighed. “We’re in trouble. Come spring, the Lancers will breach our lines and pour into the northern plains. From there, once they’re out in the open, they’ll be able to attack anywhere north of the Great Forest.”

“What do you need to stop them?” Alexander said.

“I don’t think there’s anything you can give me that will stop them,” Duncan said. “Our line is just too long to hold. We’ll probably stop their first attack and maybe even their second, but eventually, they will get through. Once that happens, I could really use a legion of Rangers.”

“I’ll see to it,” Alexander said. “Would more infantry help?”

“Couldn’t hurt,” Duncan said. “Archers would be useful, too.”

“I’ll send you a legion of each,” Alexander said. “Abigail cut Zuhl’s numbers on Fellenden in half and Prince Torin has rallied about four legions from Fellenden to add to our strength. Most aren’t soldiers but they’re willing to learn so we’re integrating them into our forces.”

“At least there’s that,” Duncan said.

“I have to go, Dad,” Alexander said. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Son,” Duncan said as Alexander faded into the firmament.

He went to Kai’Gorn next, then Southport relaying the message to the witches and briefing General Talia and Kevin on recent events.

He was floating on the firmament, considering his next move when he suddenly slammed back into his body. The pain was almost more than he could bear. His head felt like it was full of molten lead, searing agony throbbing with each beat of his heart. He nearly screamed, but couldn’t draw a full enough breath past the torment.

Jack stopped shaking him and stood as Alexander sat up. Blood from his nose dripped onto the blanket. He felt a tickling on the sides of his cheeks and found blood leaking from his ears as well.

“When we saw you bleeding, we shook you out of your trance,” Jack said.

“Are you all right, My Love?” Chloe asked, worry rippling through her voice.

He shook his head as he fumbled for a healing draught. After quickly quaffing the potion, he lay back, waiting for the welcome relief of unconsciousness.

He woke several hours later.

“How are you feeling?” Jack asked.

“Much better,” Alexander said. “Apparently, I overdid it. After I went blind, I had similar headaches while my all around sight expanded, though none so intense. I’ll have to be more careful in the future.”

“I’ll say,” Jack said.

“I have bad news,” Alexander said, closing his eyes. “Abigail’s been taken by Zuhl.”

“Dear Maker,” Jack said, slumping back in his chair.

“I have a plan to get her back, but it’s risky.”

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