Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,45

and put her in even greater jeopardy than you’ve suggested.”

“So you intend to take your war to Phane,” Bragador said.

“He’s taken my wife from me,” Alexander said. “I’m going to find a way to make him bleed.” He fixed her with his golden eyes and didn’t flinch … no easy feat holding the gaze of a dragon, even in human form.

“While your daughter must stay here, I would welcome your company,” Alexander said.

Bragador chuckled softly. “My place is here. When your war is done and everyone who fought in it is long dead, I will still be here. We have watched humans war with themselves for as long as we can remember and the story is always the same—a deceiver convinces others to fight for his glory, that he may rule over others by force and lies, taking what he wishes for his own comfort and perceived greatness while the masses suffer and die.

“Yours is a sad tale, one that we’ve chosen to avoid.”

“I can’t fault your wisdom, even if I could really use your help,” Alexander said.

Bragador stared into the fire for several minutes. Alexander was content to share the silence with her. Jack sat at the desk, furiously scribbling notes while they spoke, now stopping to wait patiently for the interchange to continue.

“Do you know the history of the Reishi War?” Bragador asked.

“Some of it.”

“I suspect we see it very differently, given our part in it,” Bragador said. “Malachi Reishi and the wizards under his command created a magical collar that had the power to bind a dragon to the will of the wearer of a matched ring. He captured hundreds of dragons, enslaved them to his will and fielded an army to battle the forces arrayed against him.

“The first attack of the dragon legion was devastating. The northernmost island of Tyr, now called Almeria, was burned to the ground, scorched black from coast to coast. Malachi’s enemies were preparing a naval invasion of the Reishi Isle, using Almeria as a staging ground. He discovered their plan and used his newest weapon to terrible effect. There were no survivors.

“The free dragons of the Seven Isles became aware of his presumption. That he would enslave dragons was an affront worthy of death. That he would use them to murder the population of an entire island could only mean war.

“For a decade, one of the bloodiest periods in the history of the Seven Isles, dragon fought dragon. The enslaved dragon legion fought the dragons aligned with the Rebel Mage to a standstill … until our kind was nearly extinct.

“Since then, we’ve kept to ourselves, preferring to keep our own company and live in peace, without the inevitable complications that humans bring.”

“And here I am in your home, complications and all,” Alexander said, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

“Some humans are more tolerable than others,” Bragador said, laying her hand atop his. “You give me hope for humanity, but for every man like you there is a man like Phane, and for every man like either of you, there are a thousand who will take the path of least resistance, flowing like water to whichever side will offer the greatest reward for the least effort without regard for principle.”

“And yet, day in and day out, most people live honorable lives,” Alexander said. “They raise their children, work to provide for their families, help their neighbors and try to do the right thing even when the choice is hard. Human beings are essentially good. We love our children, honor our elders, protect our vulnerable, and give charity to those in need.”

“I don’t question any of that,” Bragador said, “but your history isn’t written by those people, it’s written by the ambitious and the power-hungry, those who crave rulership over others, those who will do anything for their own glory, those who would kill simply to prove that they are better than their victims.

“The saddest fact about humanity is that good, honest, honorable people fall prey to lies told by convincing deceivers and unwittingly work to undermine their own futures, all so that a handful of evil people can rule over them with an iron fist, and by the time the masses realize their folly, it’s always too late. That is the story of human history, Alexander.”

“History unfolds one day at a time,” he said. “We always have a chance to do better. The Reishi guided the Seven Isles honorably for eighteen hundred years, protecting the people against the power lust Copyright 2016 - 2024