Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,167

in her mind, testing it for flaws, looking for ways that it could go wrong, knowing that she would never see them all but at least she could plan for some of the problems that might arise. Her plan was solid. She was determined to carry it out and her determination only intensified as the journey dragged on.

The soldiers treated her like glass, afraid that any comment might give sufficient offense to warrant a swift death. That suited Isabel just fine. She couldn’t afford to think of these soldiers as people; she might need to kill them in the very near future, best not to be on a first-name basis.

At long last they reached the fortress. Isabel felt the all-too-familiar flutter of fear in her belly. The time had nearly arrived. She saw her plan unfold in her mind’s eye yet again.

None of the walls surrounding any of the cities of Karth was a match for the wall around the Reishi Army Regency fortress. Isabel was actually impressed, even after growing up in Glen Morillian, even after Blackstone Keep, the Regency fortress looked impregnable.

The wall was a hundred feet high and a hundred feet thick, stretching around the entire fortress complex, easily half a league on a side. Atop the massive walls were all manner of battlements, from catapults, to ballistae, to banks of raised platforms where multiple archers could stand and fire all at once. The wall was surrounded by a moat nearly forty feet across and filled with all sorts of dangerous fish and snakes.

A drawbridge lowered and the gate opened, then a trumpet sounded when Isabel entered the fortress. She hoped Phane was waiting for her.

Beyond the gate was a twenty-foot square tunnel cut through the wall, lined with arrow slits and murder holes. Inside the walls was a small city, stone buildings marching away from a large square in front of the gate.

A lone figure stood several dozen feet from the gate when Isabel entered the square. He was tall, well-built, perfectly proportioned and had shoulder-length wavy brown hair and golden eyes. He smiled so disarmingly that Isabel felt her resolve falter. He was boyish, exuberant and full of innocent joy, genuinely happy to see her.

Prince Phane … murderer … tyrant.

She schooled her breathing and calmed her mind, using the time it took to dismount her horse to regain her composure and fortify her determination. He was the enemy. He deserved to die. She meant to kill him—right now.

“My dear Isabel, I have so looked forward to this moment.”

“Prince Phane, I beg your forgiveness for my initial resistance,” Isabel said, looking down as he approached.

“Oh, nonsense,” Phane said amiably. “You’re here now, that’s what’s important.”

“I’ve brought you a gift, My Prince,” Isabel said, holding up a leather bag with her left hand as she went to her knee. “I beg your forgiveness that I could only bring you the Sovereign Stone and not my husband’s head.”

Phane stopped, midstride, breathing sharply, and then approached much more slowly, looking at the little bag held out in Isabel’s trembling hand as if he couldn’t believe it was possible. He swallowed hard, reaching out very slowly, savoring the moment.

Isabel waited until he took the bag. The moment the weight lifted, she grabbed his wrist and lunged forward, bringing her knife up in a fluid arc, driving it up under his ribcage—her knife that had three coatings of blackwort baked onto the blade. For days during her journey, she’d stared at this blade, seeing it plunge into Phane’s heart, seeing his eyes go dark.

The blade hit home, stabbing into his belly, penetrating up toward his heart. Isabel put all of her strength, all of her rage, all of her pent-up fear into her attack. The blade was just inches from reaching its target … Phane’s black heart … when he stopped her. Faster than she could have imagined, stronger than she might have ever suspected, he grabbed her wrist, pushing down hard, pulling the blade free of his belly before it could reach his heart and end him for good.

Isabel felt a sharp stabbing pain where Phane had grabbed her … a needle puncture. She could feel numbing coldness spreading from the tiny wound.

Phane frowned at her in confusion, stumbling backward, looking at the blood on his hand and then looking back at her and smiling with such triumphant glee that Isabel thought she saw madness.

“Well done, Isabel,” he said, coughing up blood, while still backing away from her. “Not to worry, you’ll just be paralyzed for an hour or so.” He held up his ring so she could see the little dart that had punctured her. “Glow-worm venom … you can’t be too careful, you know.”

She slumped to the ground, losing control of her body but not of her senses.

Phane stumbled backward and fell, blood soaking the front of his tunic and frothing from his mouth.

“You got me good, Isabel,” he sputtered, still crawling backward. “No one has ever stabbed me before … really hurts.”

Commander Henna strode up to Phane, looking down at him with contempt and slowly drawing her sword.

“Perhaps our lord and master isn’t so all-powerful after all,” Henna said loudly enough for her entire unit to hear. Nervous laughter rippled through the ranks.

“Ah, that’s a pity,” Phane said, the door to his Wizard’s Den opening behind him. “I actually liked you.”

With a gesture, he picked her up with his magic, lifting her several feet off the ground, then with a flick of his hand, sent her flying into the air … she landed somewhere in the jungle several thousand feet outside the walls of the fortress.

The laughter in the ranks stopped.

Phane crawled backward into his Wizard’s Den with great effort, trailing blood across the flagstones, stopping only when he was entirely inside. His soldiers stood stock-still, watching with a mixture of fascination and fear while Phane struggled with the pain of his wound just like any other human being would.

“Take Lady Reishi to a circle cell,” he commanded. “She belongs to me now.” He broke into a fit of coughing, bright red blood splattering the hand he used to cover his mouth.

Once he composed himself, he waved at Isabel with his bloody hand, smiling his boyish smile, blood smeared across his teeth and face, as the door to his Wizard’s Den closed.

A few moments later, Isabel’s world went black.

Here Ends Cursed Bones

Sovereign of the Seven Isles: Book Five

The Story Continues…


Dear Reader,

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Thank you,

David A. Wells

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