Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,143

suitable workshop with adjacent quarters in the subbasement of the new Wizard’s Guild Lodge.”

“Remember, only you and Kelvin know this is happening. Keep it that way.”

“Absolutely,” Lucky said. “We are both extraordinarily cautious when discussing this matter.”

“Good, so you have orange-red granules …” Alexander spent several minutes explaining the next few steps, detailing how each step should unfold, how the result should look, what failure looked like and how to recover. When Lucky could recite every step, Alexander said his goodbyes and vanished.

The process of making Wizard’s Dust was long and complex—it would require several more visits with detailed instructions before Lucky learned the entire formula, and even then, the most difficult and delicate parts were yet to come … Lucky would have to apply his magic in just the right way at just the right time. If he failed, the batch would be useless. There was still a long way to go, but they were making good progress.

Alexander lingered on the firmament, listening to the song of creation, but also listening for any hint of Siduri. Memories of his brief encounter with the strange little man intruded into his mind with maddening frequency. The ramifications of his story were terrifying and breathtaking all at once. Alexander couldn’t help but wonder if Siduri was the key to it all, so he searched for him and listened for him and called out to him every time he visited the firmament, but all he ever received in return was silence.

He opened his eyes to find Anja sitting in the chair beside his bed, watching him intently.

“You’re staring,” Alexander said.

“Is that wrong?”

“Not wrong, just impolite.”

“I wanted to make sure I remember what you look like.”

“You’ll remember,” Alexander said, reaching for her hand.

She looked down. “Will you teach me how to fight with a sword?”


“I want to learn how to fight with a sword.”

“Anja, you’re a dragon, why would you need to fight with a sword?”

She shrugged, shaking her head, still looking down. “I just want to learn.”

“Ask your mother. I’ll teach you if she agrees.”

She smiled excitedly and raced out of the Wizard’s Den, looking for her mother. It wasn’t long before Alexander felt the approach of Bragador just moments before she appeared in the doorway of the Wizard’s Den, Anja trailing behind her.

“May I?”

“Of course, please come in,” Alexander said.

Bragador took the chair next to the bed. Anja stood at her side, struggling not to smile.

“Anja tells me you would teach her to fight with a sword. Is this wise?”

“I don’t see how it’s unwise, even if it is pretty unnecessary.”

“Please, Mother,” Anja said. “I really want to learn.”

“Very well,” Bragador said, “but do not aggravate his injury, Anja.”

“She won’t,” Alexander said. “Jack will play the part of her opponent while I talk them through the steps.”

Jack looked up from his papers, his eyes slightly wider than usual, but he recovered quickly, standing and then bowing with a flourish to Anja. “My Lady, it will be my honor to serve as your practice mannequin.”

Anja giggled. Bragador frowned, but made no move to leave. “Perhaps you should close the door,” she said.

Alexander nodded, willing the door to the Wizard’s Den to close.

“I have word from Tasia. The Regency ship is a week from the northern coast of Karth.”

“I’ve looked at that ship. The shade is aboard and he still has Aedan,” Alexander said, holding Bragador’s gaze. “We don’t have a move right now.”

“Very well, I will instruct Tasia to remain with your Captain Wyatt and provide him what assistance she can for the time being.”

“Good. Wyatt’s going to have his work cut out for him,” Alexander said. “On another matter, my leg has healed well enough for me to walk without a cane, not far, mind you, but well enough that I think it’s time to begin making preparations for my departure. I’d like to call a ship to come pick me up, but I wanted your permission first.”

“Of course, but just a single vessel and tell them to fly the Reishi flag when they enter the Spires.”

“I’ll make sure they follow your instructions,” Alexander said.

Bragador said her goodbyes and Anja came to Alexander’s bed.

“Can we start?”

“All right, but we’ll start with a knife, you’re probably not strong enough to wield a sword.”

Anja frowned, shaking her head. “Alexander, I’m a dragon. I’m plenty strong enough to handle a sword. In fact, I want to learn to use a really big sword.”

Alexander chuckled. “Fair enough, but let’s start with a knife. Many of the Copyright 2016 - 2024