Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,141

have a spell, Magda.”

“I’m afraid I don’t, at least not until we’re out of the water. Dragon draught would be our best bet.”

“Where can we get some?”

“Zuhl’s soldiers were carrying the last vials we got our hands on,” Anatoly said.

“All right, so the first step will be to get some more dragon draught. Now, there’s a guard tower manned by two men overlooking the stream.”

“I do have a spell that can deal with them,” Magda said.

“Good,” Alexander said, gesturing to his illusionary model. It became transparent, revealing the path they would have to follow through the underground waterways. “There’s a magical field here,” he pointed to a place several dozen feet inside the keep. “I’m not sure what it does, but you should be able to cut your way around it.”

“That’s going to take some time,” Abigail said.

“I know, but I’m afraid the field might warn Zuhl of intruders. We can’t afford that.”

“Your plan is starting to sound pretty complicated,” Anatoly said.

“I know, but I’ve explored this part of Whitehall extensively and I’ve never seen such defenses. Zuhl takes his security as seriously as you would expect from a man who plans to live forever.”

“All right, so once we’re past the guards and through the grate and around the magical field, all up to our armpits in freezing water, then what?” Anatoly asked.

“There’s another grate at the spillway into the cistern. Once you’re through that, you can get out of the water and follow the access pathways that run alongside the waterways. This one,” he pointed to one of five passages leading from the main cistern, “leads straight to the dragon aerie. Unfortunately, the access path stops where water flows under the wall into a large pool on the side of the aerie. That passage is grated as well.”

“So we cut that grate and swim inside,” Abigail said. “Then what?”

“Then you’ll be in a giant room with six, hopefully sleeping dragons and possibly a number of human handlers. Pick the largest dragon and cut his collar before he wakes while avoiding or eliminating the handlers.”

“Is that all?” Abigail said.

“The largest will be my sire, Izzulft,” said Ixabrax. “He is a very light sleeper.”

“Wonderful,” Abigail said, “so we do this very quietly.”

“That would be wise,” Ixabrax said. Then he broke off a tooth and handed it to Abigail. “Show him this … he will know it comes from me and hesitate before eating you. Explain your intentions quickly and concisely. He has very little patience for humans, but he will do whatever he can to free our family. Once he understands your purpose, I have every confidence he will assist you.”

“That’s reassuring,” Anatoly grumbled.

“I need you to help me understand the nature of Zuhl’s control over your family,” Alexander said to Ixabrax. “When you were in the aerie, how much influence did Zuhl have over you?”

“We were instructed to remain within the aerie without harming his servants or damaging the building.”

“Good, I was afraid he might leave you with a command to attack any intruders.”

“I was born into slavery in that aerie and in all my years, he never left such a command, but then there was never a single incident of an intruder entering the aerie either.”

“Not terribly surprising,” Anatoly muttered.

“What is my part in this?” Ixabrax asked.

“I need you to deliver us near the fortress and wait in case there’s trouble,” Alexander said.

“I would do more.”

“I know, but you aren’t exactly inconspicuous. We can’t approach from the sky, or Zuhl will be alerted and then you’d have to face your whole family at once. This is the only way.”

“Very well, Human, if I had a better plan I would offer it.”

“Once the dragons are free, then what?” Abigail asked.

“You fly away and regroup at the crevasse,” Alexander said.

“And then what? We’re still stuck on this cursed frozen rock of an island.”

“If you free my family, I will carry you back to Fellenden myself,” Ixabrax said.

“Now that sounds like a plan,” Abigail said.

“Good. See about getting some dragon draught and I’ll check back tomorrow,” Alexander said, fading from sight.

Back on Tyr, he opened his eyes and groaned softly from the throbbing pain behind his forehead. He’d been pushing too hard lately … with Isabel missing and Abigail preparing to attack Whitehall, there was just so much to do and all of it required his attention.

Anja was sitting in a chair next to his bed, transformed by a shapeshift spell into a young woman of about sixteen years old with shoulder-length, Copyright 2016 - 2024