Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,13

to sit.

“Why should I believe you?”

“My husband sent the warning that saved your life,” Isabel said. “He sent word in your dreams that the Regency would attack on the new moon.”

Severine stared at her intently before swallowing hard.

“I did not heed that warning,” Severine said. “Were it not for an abundance of caution on the part of Erastus here,” he nodded to the man by the door, “we would have all died that day.

“Very few people knew the content of that message. Your knowledge of it lends some credibility to your claim of friendship, yet there is much more I must know before committing to an alliance.”

“I understand completely,” Isabel said. She proceeded to recount many of her experiences from the past year, leaving out key details that might be used against her or Alexander, but presenting a true and mostly complete account of their fight against Phane. Severine and Trajan listened attentively until she was finished.

“I hate Phane,” she said. “I came here to kill him myself, but I would welcome any help I can get.”

“You weave a most compelling tale,” Severine said. “I will take steps to verify some parts of your story but I’m inclined to agree that an alliance would be in both of our interests.

“On another matter, tell me more about your magic. I take counsel from a coven of witches and they are very different than you. So much so, that it’s hard for me to believe that you are indeed a witch.”

“I underwent the mana fast with the Reishi Coven last summer,” Isabel said. “Since then, I’ve been learning about my power, refining my connection to the firmament and honing my skills of visualization and emotional control.”

He sighed and then frowned. “I don’t mean to be indelicate, but how is it that you’re so plain-looking. Please understand, for a normal woman you’re quite beautiful, but for a witch you are, well, homely.”

Isabel was dumbfounded. She’d been called many things in her life but ‘homely’ was not one of them. She opened her mouth as if to speak, then closed it again, at a loss for words.

“Please forgive me, I don’t mean to give offense,” Severine said when it was clear that Isabel didn’t have an answer. “I have much to consider, Lady Reishi,” he said as he stood. “Trajan will attend to your quarters. For the time being, your movement will be restricted, I hope you understand.”

After Severine left, Trajan sighed deeply, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “I apologize for my father’s bluntness,” he said. “He’s accustomed to speaking his mind.”

“I’m more puzzled than offended,” Isabel said.

“I’m sure it has something to do with the Sin’Rath,” Trajan said. “Hopefully, things will become clearer after I meet with them. For now, I’ll take you to your quarters. I’m sure you’re tired.”

Chapter 5

Isabel woke in the dead of night. She’d been provided with comfortable quarters and was only too happy to sleep in a bed after days on the road.

There were two men stationed outside her door, ostensibly to protect her, but in truth to prevent her from leaving. She was a prisoner … again.

In the darkness, she smiled. The last time she’d been a prisoner, things had turned out for the best. Perhaps she could repeat her victory over the Reishi Coven with the House of Karth and add yet more strength to Alexander’s cause.

Suddenly, she froze, daring not to breathe when she heard a sliding sound as if wood were scraping against the floor. A glance told her that the door leading from her chamber was still closed, a thin crack of dim light leaking through from the hallway. Isabel strained to hear. A gentle rustling came from across the room. She took inventory of her surroundings from memory, searching for a weapon. The nearest, most likely candidate was a pitcher of water on the washbasin near her bed.

Fluidly, she tossed the covers back and rolled to her feet, striding calmly but purposefully through the blackness to the basin, reaching out to feel for it in the dark, but she misjudged and knocked the stoneware pitcher to the floor. Momentary panic rose in her throat as she whirled to face the unknown intruder … but no attack came.

“Please do not be alarmed,” a gentle voice said from the darkness.

“Is everything all right, Lady Reishi?” a guard asked from the hall.

Dim, greenish light spilled out of a vial of liquid held high by a woman standing across the room.

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