Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,104

the cause of your suffering, the reason for the plight of the people on this island. And the worst part is, your people believe the lie so completely that most will never be persuaded to believe otherwise.”

“But the Reishi have returned, as he said they would,” he said, trying to hold on to his crumbling beliefs.

“Yes, but Zuhl only told you half the story,” Abigail said. “Phane Reishi is an evil bastard who needs to die … yesterday. But he’s not the real Reishi Sovereign. My brother is and he sent his army to Fellenden to protect the people there against Zuhl’s army even when our home of Ruatha is under attack by Phane’s forces.”

“Why would he do that?”

“Because it was the right thing to do. Because there was horrible suffering being inflicted on innocent people and he had the power to make it stop … so he did.”

The soldier slumped down against the wall and put his head in his hands. “Why don’t you just kill me?”

“I’m not going to kill you,” Abigail said. “I’m going to let you go.”

Anatoly looked at her with a questioning frown.

“Why would you do that?” the soldier asked, looking up at her.

“So you can tell your brothers-in-arms the truth,” Abigail said. “Once you do that, I’m quite sure they’ll kill you for treason. Just make sure to deliver this message for me before they do: If they come near this cave, my dragon friend here will feast.”

The soldier looked from her to Ixabrax and back again.

“They’ll never believe me, but you’re right about one thing, they will kill me.”

Abigail shrugged. “So run away instead. Find a village where you can make a life for yourself. Leave your companions ignorant of the threat they face if they come to attack us. It’s up to you. Take the honorable path and give your fellow soldiers a chance to survive or run away like a coward, your choice. Just be certain of one thing, if you return here, you will die. Now take your cloak and your sword, but leave your armor and go.”

Haltingly, the soldier strapped on his sword from the pile of gear they’d collected and pulled a cloak over his shoulders. He stopped at the mouth of the cave and turned back, shaking his head slightly.

“I don’t understand you.”

“What’s your name?” Abigail asked.


“I wouldn’t expect you to understand, Haldir. Now get out of here and don’t come back.”

Chapter 30

Several minutes passed without a word, both of them content to stare into the fire crackling in the growing darkness of late evening.

“I’m not sure if that was mercy or vengeance,” Anatoly said.

“Maybe a little of both. Or maybe I just wanted to give Haldir the chance to exercise his free will informed by all of the facts.”

“He’ll probably lead them right to us,” Anatoly said.

“Maybe, but I doubt it. Zuhl’s soldiers have come to revere and fear the dragons, even if under false pretenses. I doubt Haldir wants to meet Ixabrax ever again.”

“Either way, we should be vigilant tonight,” Anatoly said.

Abigail nodded. “Why should tonight be any different?”

They kept the fire low and built up a screen to diminish the soft glow it cast from the mouth of the cave, but the soldiers didn’t come. The next morning, Abigail watched the sun rise over the sparsely wooded slope of the mountain, expecting to see troops marching toward her, but there was no sign of them.

Magda’s fever broke that morning and the infection in her wound started to diminish with each successive application of Old Man’s Beard. While the infection was no longer a danger, the wound was still serious and debilitating.

“You should go without me,” she said after listening to them recount the events that had transpired since she’d become delirious with fever.

“Not a chance,” Abigail said.

“I won’t be fit to fight for weeks. You can’t afford to wait that long. Zuhl’s already sent soldiers after us. When they fail to produce results, he’ll send something else, or he’ll come himself.”

“We’re not leaving you here alone,” Abigail said flatly.

“She’s right,” Anatoly said. “You’re not strong enough to feed the fire, let alone hunt and we don’t have enough food to last you until you heal. We’re staying.”

“Then we need to figure out how to help me heal faster,” Magda said. “Has Alexander visited lately?”

“A few days ago,” Abigail said.

“Apparently, Isabel is still in a bit of trouble, so I suspect he’s trying to help her,” Anatoly said.

It was several days before Alexander returned. Abigail Copyright 2016 - 2024