Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,101

loose bandage around it and change the dressing morning and night, replacing the Old Man’s Beard with each changing.”

“How long before she starts to show signs of improvement?”

“That depends on the degree of infection, but probably just a few days,” Lucky said.

“Good, how’re you settling in here?”

“Well enough. Mason has provided me with ample space to work and the rest of the wizards are converting a nearby manor house for use as the guild house. Kelvin is there now.”

“I feel better knowing you’re both safely out of Phane’s reach.”

“I wish I could say the same about you and your sister,” Lucky said.

“We’ll manage. Is this place secure from prying eyes?”

“Quite,” Mason said. “In addition to the magic circles surrounding the valley and castle, this level is spelled to prevent scrying.”

“Yet I’m able to enter.”

“Yes, but you bear the Mark of Cedric,” Mason said. “This place exists to assist you, so you’re always welcome here.”

“I hope you’re right, Mason. Phane can see just as far as I can.”

“I assure you, he can’t see anywhere within this valley.”

“I was hoping that would be the case,” Alexander said. “It’s been good to see you both.” Alexander vanished from sight but followed Lucky back to his workshop, reappearing once his old mentor was alone.

“It’s time you started on your next project, Lucky.”

“Yes, of course,” Lucky said, closing the door and dropping the bar in place.

“Start by procuring the necessary ingredients to make a quart of aqua regia.”

“Aqua regia is a very potent acid and difficult to make,” Lucky said. “It will take some time to produce such a quantity.”

“I know, but it’s a necessary first step,” Alexander said. “I’ll check back when you’re ready to make it and let you know the next step.”

“Give my love to Abigail and Isabel.”

“I will,” Alexander said, fading from sight.


Abigail was pacing when Alexander reappeared.

“Any luck?”

“There’s a type of lichen growing near here that will help with the infection,” he said. “It’s not far … I can guide you to it.”

Abigail tossed her heavy, fur-lined cloak over her shoulders and picked up her bow.

“Don’t you think I should go instead?” Anatoly said.

“I’ll be fine,” Abigail said. “Besides, I need to get out of this cave or I’m going to go crazy and one of us should say with Magda.”

“Suit yourself, but don’t be too long.”

Abigail trudged through the deep snow in the general direction Alexander had shown her. The air was crisp and clean. The sun fell through the trees, creating a dazzling display of light and shadow on the forest floor. Alexander appeared again after a few minutes of walking.

“It’s up in that tree,” he said pointing, then fading from sight once again.

The snow was deep enough that reaching the ladder-like branches of the fir tree was easy, and climbing to the place where the stringy green lichen grew took only a minute or so. After gathering all she could find, Abigail straddled two branches and took in the scene through the fir boughs. The sparse forest stretched out below her like a patchwork quilt, small groves of trees interrupting the untrammeled snow for as far as she could see.

Movement in the distance caught her eye. Five, maybe six men were headed straight for the cave. Glancing back to the cave mouth, she saw a thin streamer of smoke escaping from the entrance and rising like a beacon into the sky.

“Are you still here, Alex?”

When he didn’t appear, Abigail climbed out of the tree and headed back to the cave as quickly as she could through the deep snow. Alexander reappeared a moment after she entered the cave.

“We have company,” she said.

“Six men, scouts from a larger force farther away,” Alexander said.

“How much larger?” Anatoly asked.

“Company-sized, but I didn’t see anything except soldiers … no drakini, no priests.”

“At least there’s that,” Abigail said, going to the fire and starting to prepare the Old Man’s Beard.

“How soon will they get here?” Anatoly asked.

“Probably an hour. The smoke from your fire gave you away,” Alexander said.

“We can take the six, especially if they don’t know what they’re up against,” Anatoly said, “but a company is something else altogether. Magda is still delirious. Even if this stuff works, it’ll be days before she can travel.”

Ixabrax sleepily opened one eye. “Let them come, I was starting to get hungry anyway.”

“I thought you didn’t want to help fight this war,” Alexander said.

“I don’t, but your sister and her sword remain the only way I know of to free my family. I’m not Copyright 2016 - 2024