This Curse - By Alisha Basso Page 0,61

seen it; he is not what he seems.” She ran her hand gently over Mariee’s hair. Her love for her sister was deep. “Please, we must leave. My sight has told me that the horses are only a day away. They will force us this time, Mariee. I see violence and lust. Please. They know we see their lies.”

Mariee sat up slowly and held her sisters hands in hers. “I know, Ryan. I know what you say is true, I have felt something inside of him, but all this time I chose to trust him. I would have given him my soul, he would have become so much more than a man, he would have become my mate.”

“He deserves no such gift!” Ryan scolded. “I sense intense darkness in him. I fear what he would do if gifted with that kind of power.”

Fresh tears ran from Mariee’s face, her body shook with her sobs as she and her sister held each other.

I turned to glare at Lucifer for being such a lying ass-hat, but the look on his face stopped me cold. He appeared sad and I folded my arms, remembering who he was.

“So, the father of lies is supposed to have a heart? Nice try, you almost had me there.” I shook my head and he smiled. “You are such an ass!” I pushed from the hut and sucked in the cool air outside.

The day was fading into night. I sat on the edge of the well, alone in the twilight and thought. What could he want? What was he doing here? He was Satan! He had power, far more than any Madea! He was going to be Mariee’s mate. What kind of power would that have given him?

“She mourned for me.” I jumped at the sound of his voice. “She always knew that I was not who I claimed, yet she lied to herself for a long time, a great thing for a Madea. I was proud of that.” He laughed mirthlessly, “If a great and noble creature like her could deny the truth for selfish reasons, than I thought she was as good as corrupted. I was ready to snatch her up when the men came to take her people away.” He stared off into space. “I didn’t care what became of the others, they could have all been enslaved, murdered, whatever. As long as I had Mariee.” He looked at me and took a deep breath. “But then I realized that indeed she would have been corrupted and I wanted her pure, at least for a time.” He took my face in his hands, “You understand me?” He searched my eyes, “This is important, Grace, don’t forget. I wanted her to flee with me. I didn’t want her dead, Oh, no. The horrors of Hell would have snuffed the glow from her flesh with the first tortured wail.” He turned his eyes away. “Hell has no light. No untainted flesh. The sweet song of the angels can never dwell there. It is all the same. The souls of the damned are all the same. Different shapes and sizes but the same.”

He moved away. I watched him, slowly coming to understand what his problem was. He was evil, yet he longed to be near someone good. He was in a bad spot; if someone good knowingly falls for the devil then they are no longer good, which will land you in Hell anyway. But, a Madea was stronger than that; they lack the humanity that so often fails those who are corrupted. A Madea could spend time in Hell and never be tainted. That is, if they chose to for pure reasons.

“So,” I stood up. “You want a willing Madea, a female I presume, and to keep you company in Hell. Like a pretty bouquet of nice smelling flowers to brighten your day?”

“You have a very strange view of the world, Grace, but that is about the sum of it.”

We began walking slowly, “So, you never tried to sleep with her? You never once wanted to feel her in your bed?” I was curious and I figured he being who he was, embarrassment was a non issue.

He laughed. “She was a beautiful creature make no mistake.” He winked and I rolled my eyes. “There wasn’t a moment in her presence that I didn’t want to spread her thighs, but that was not my first goal. She had to agree.”

“Ahh.” His answer was no answer at all and Copyright 2016 - 2024