This Curse - By Alisha Basso Page 0,58

intensity. I shifted my stance nervously.

“I will not force you into anything, but could you really allow your friend to die?” he nodded toward a dark corner. “And Look,” I followed the direction of his gaze and noticed a large mass lying in the corner. I sucked in my breath Seth was there. His long black hair was matted to his head. I felt my mind scream. He looked no more alive than Lucian.

“I think the hybrid is leaving you.” Lucifer shook his head. “Pity.” He sighed dramatically.

“They are both almost dead and you could stop it.” I looked at him and curled my lip, “Let’s not forget, that they’re almost dead because of you. Now, please, I know it’s beyond you, but damn it! Is it even possible for you to be straight with anyone? Ever?

He smiled, showing his perfect teeth.

I sighed, “What do you want from me, really?”

He chuckled. “Spell it out for you, you mean? Well, I suppose I could explain. Tell me, do you like stories?”

My heart sank. “No, not really, the last one changed my life in a pretty fucked up way.” I folded my arms, ready for another dip into fairytale land.

He took my hand; hot fingers surrounded mine in a firm unyielding grip. I was facing him; his blue eyes were spinning, drawing me deep inside, and taking me under.

I fell.


The air was clean and crisp. I was lying on the grass gazing into the sky. It was amazing, bursting with billions upon billions of stars, so bright and astonishing that I was utterly overwhelmed.

“What planet is this?” I whispered.

“Earth, my darling, only we are here before pollution and technology. We are here before electric lights and the poison of modern man.” He sounded amused, “This is someplace very special.” Lucifer still clasped my hand in his. It was warm and soft. I tried to pull away, but he was in control and I had lost all desire to fight. Plus, I had to admit to myself, that I was curious.

He stood, pulling me up beside him. I looked at him for the first time since falling into his eyes. He was magnificent. His short military short hair was much longer now and flowed down his back in beautiful waves. He wore a beige tunic that was belted with little golden squares all linked together. His leggings were linen and looked perfectly hand stitched. I met his eyes and saw desire. It was false, the same as everything here.

“You are a vision. I should have known what you were at first sight, I feel the fool.” He placed his overly warm hand on the small of my back and I sighed.

“Let’s just get on with it, do you mind?”

“No, not at all, my lady,” he pushed me along a grassy path.

We walked for a long time, the grass eventually giving way to a dirt path. The sun began to peek its fiery head above the horizon shining a beautiful orange glow upon a small camp.

“Hey, Lu, where are we anyway?” my hand was still a prisoner in his and I tugged on it again.

“You need to stay with me. This is going to be a lot for you to handle, I think. But then, you did just call The Prince of Darkness Lu… So perhaps this will fail to impress you.” He laughed a low chuckle deep in his chest. “I think I like you, Angel.”

“Just knock it off, would you?” I sighed, tiredly. “My name is Grace. I’m not your darling and I’m most definitely not an angel, so just quit, alright?” I pleaded.

He stopped walking. We were on a small rise just about a mile from the camp. He took my face in his hands. “You, my angel, are so much more than you realize. He turned me so that I faced the camp. “You see that town?” His voice whispered, close to my ear. “Tell me Grace, how badly would you like to see where you came from?”

My palms broke out in a cool sweat as he spoke.

“What would you do if I said that the Madea make up that town down there?”

I froze, my breath trapped in my lungs. “What?” I choked out, “How?” I spun and goggled at him.

“Come,” he pulled me “I want you to see.” I moved quickly alongside his tall body as we ran.

The village was nothing more than a few dozen huts all situated around a small well.

“The Madea live here?” I looked around Copyright 2016 - 2024