This Curse - By Alisha Basso Page 0,56

were now much larger than the clothing we had come in. Thankfully, her bracelet was still on her wrist, it pushed deep into her flesh, but it would only leave a mark.

I looked up, my mind a whirl of panic and confusion.

Lucifer’s blue eyes glittered. Lucian blanched and began to visibly tremble. I had been right in front of his face but he had been too arrogant to pay any attention.

“Well, now.” A fearsome look crossed Lucifer’s face as he searched my eyes. “This is much better; don’t you think my idiot friend?” Lucifer glanced vaguely behind his shoulder before bringing his attention back to me. He stepped close, his eyes traveling the length of my nude form. “So it is you. I was quite sure that Voltaire had conjured the story of your existence merely for the chance to possess a human being. Of course, I granted him the opportunity, after all, if it turned out to be true, then I would profit, if it turned out to be another deception, well, then…” he let the statement hang in the air as he glanced at Lucian or Voltaire as Lucian was no where in those evil eyes and cold actions.

“You granted him the chance?” I couldn’t help it. I was so pissed off that I couldn’t contain it. “That man was my friend and Voltaire took him!” I was no longer as moved by his beauty. Being in my own skin filled me with a confidence that I never believed possible. Seeing with my true eyes, I was happy to find that his allure was muted, allowing me to think more clearly.

I conjured clothes for myself, feeling foolish and way too exposed to stand in front of these monsters in the nude. Lucifer frowned and made a tsk, tsk sound. My clothing dissolved again and I scowled at him. He smirked and I opened my mouth only to be slammed against yet another wall. My eyes flashed fire and I growled between my teeth as I struggled to free myself.

“You are not afraid?” He seemed to float rather than walk. It was then that I noticed Lucian slowly slinking from the room. I knew what he was thinking, the coward. Well, screw that! He was so not getting away!

Lucifer reached for me and I blurted, “Stop him.” I nodded toward Lucian’s retreating form. “He has plans that you’re not a part of.”

Lucifer’s hand stopped a mere inch from my face. “Does he now?” His eyebrows rose and he smiled turning to look at Lucian. “Tell me fool, is this true? Think hard, now. You wouldn’t want me to rip it from your mind.”

Lucian’s mouth opened and closed like a fish and he held his hands up in surrender.

“Oh what the heck,” Lucifer shrugged and Lucian began to spasm. He jerked and twisted violently and fell to his knees. “Why waste time?” Lucifer looked over his shoulder and winked at me. “He’ll only flood this room with bullshit.”

Lucian’s body convulsed, falling backward, his head hit the floor hard. Foam and blood collected at the corners of his lips. It was so quick. His mouth began to darken to a sickly blue hue and he sputtered, spraying bloody foam onto his face and neck as he laid thrashing on the ground.

“Isn’t this fun?” Lucifer sighed, his head lolled to the side as he closed his eyes. He bit his bottom lip and moaned as if Lucian’s pain was somehow orgasmic.

I gasped and felt a tear run down my cheek. Lucian was dying. My brain tried to remind me that this was only the demon Voltaire but my heart screamed that this was my Lucian, no matter who possessed his body.

The devil shook himself, his eyes had gone red and rolled in my direction. Smoke and mirrors, I remembered as I tried to move my arm in order to wipe the moisture from my face. It was no use. He had me pinned.

“What a bad boy.” Lucifer purred. “But, in a way I am quite pleased,” he moved closer. “I finally have my very own Madea and they say you are the only one? How perfect.” He examined me. “I knew many of the ancient Madea, you realize.” He stalked back and forth in front of me, watching my face, “How silly, of course you realize, I am older than time as far as you’re concerned.” He turned away and walked toward Lucian’s now inert form. “They were all such bores.” He Copyright 2016 - 2024