Cupcakes and Christmas - R.J. Scott Page 0,9

him after we’d made love, then this was the expression I imagined.

Woooah, rein it in.

“Hey,” he said, his tone soft then appearing to realize where he was, he scrambled to stand and shoved the envelope into his coat that was next to him. “Secret cupcake recipe?” I deadpanned.

“I wish,” he mumbled and put the coat over his arm.

“It’s your turn.” I stepped back as I said that, even though my palms had itched with the need to help Brody stand and then for him to accidentally fall into my waiting arms. I’d lusted after him for so long that having him here in the flesh was like a dream.

He stood up without my help and stretched tall again, only this time it exposed skin above his waistband, showing a peek of the smoothest of bellies. He was lithe but muscled apart from that softness. His long dark bangs touching his eyebrow on one side, something that he was clearly used to as he had this habit of flicking them back with his hand. What I wouldn’t give for him to lay on the floor so I could rest my head on his stomach, and we could talk and then maybe kiss and—

“Earth to Justin, you okay?”

“Yeah, sorry, it was… ”

“Shit, what did they ask you to do?” Now he was nervous and that was all my fault.

I blinked back to normal. “No, nothing, just the normal stuff. Sorry, long drive. Go. They’re waiting for you.”

He picked up a battered leather satchel then headed for the door I’d just emerged from. I bet that bag told a million stories. Maybe it was handed down from his granddad or even further back in his huge family network.

Watching his season, I’d envied Brody and his ease with life, his big family, his back story, and long memories of distant relatives. I was jealous he was in college with his boyfriend. Hell, I even melted when I saw the freaking stray cat that wound itself around his neck in the home interviews. When he’d won, his family had surrounded him with love and affection and squabbled on camera about who was the best sibling before his boyfriend had gone down on one knee and proposed. Lucky for me, in season one there were no family or partners featured in the finale because I’d look pretty sad with just some guy off the street that I would have had to pay to stand at my side.

Stop the freaking pity party—you’re rich, you have an audience, you’re set for life.

The solid front doors flew open, letting in a gust of snow and wind, and I faced the newcomers with my best smile. I recognized Ivan Sanders, winner of season five, and Kristen Maven winner of season three. They both had Instagram, and Kristen was big on Pinterest, so we reposted some of each other’s content. I’d never met them, but their social profiles were a match to mine in a lot of respects. More crossover led to more likes which led to more endorsements, and all of that can be done online, but it’s always good to put a face to a name.

“Hi! It’s Justin from season one, right?” Ivan asked loudly, and his voice was swallowed in the big space. I crossed to greet them, shaking hands with Ivan and getting a sideways bro hug from the big guy, and then a hug and a kiss on the cheek from Kristen.

“It’s so good to meet you finally,” Kristen announced, and I couldn’t help wincing.

“Sorry I couldn’t make the reunions.”

“You didn’t miss much,” she confided. “Apart from me and Ivan y’know hooking up.” I didn’t know they had, but she forged ahead. “It’s so different to the soundstage back in L.A.,” Kristen exclaimed and took Ivan’s hand and dragged him over to stand under the chandelier. “Look at that!”

I noticed they didn’t let go of each other. It was obvious they were a couple when Ivan scooped her up into a bear hug and swooped her around in a circle.

Brody came out of the room, looking a little shell-shocked. Ivan saw Brody and went over to him and hugged Brody so hard that I thought he might break him.

The shocked expression Brody walked out with soon gave way to a grin as Ivan clapped him on the back.

“Brodes!” Kristen called, and they met in the middle with big hugs and kissed each other’s cheeks. Then they went quiet and chatted in a low tone. Kristen cradled Copyright 2016 - 2024